Why Email Marketing Is Important For Your Internet Marketing – SoftaCloud « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Why Email Marketing Is Important For Your Internet Marketing – SoftaCloud

Posted On May 29, 2020 By admin With Comments Off on Why Email Marketing Is Important For Your Internet Marketing – SoftaCloud

Why Email Marketing Is Important For Your Internet Marketing
More than 34% of the people worldwide use email. That’s about 2.5 billion people. It’s predicted to increase to 2.8 billion email users in the next 2 years. Yup, email’s popular. The Radicati Group, who came up with that info, also reckon that the world sends about 196 billion emails daily. Out of this 196 billion emails the majority, 109 billion, is business email.

Let’s put it simply. Email marketing is a vibrant and powerful way to connect with people. Bringing it home, think about your own experiences. Do you even know anyone who doesn’t have an email address? You probably receive a number of HTML emails each week (I sure do). You read them, get inspired by them and even look forward to the next one. Email is a big part of our lives. A very big part.

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