The Greatest Andrew Garfield Films, Ranked From Greatest To Worst « $60 Miracle Money Maker

The Greatest Andrew Garfield Films, Ranked From Greatest To Worst

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Andrew Garfield ranks among the most impressive performers in the film industry right now.

An accomplished actor on the stage, on television, and in film, Garfield still has a limited filmography, averaging only about a dozen movies, but each of them boast an otherwise memorable performance from Garfield.

From his breakthrough roles in biographical films to his stint as a certain wall-crawling superhero, here are the best Andrew Garfield movies, ranked from best to worst.

The Social Network

The Social Network Movie (2010)
Image Credit: Merrick Morton/ Columbia Tristar Marketing Group.

Six years after his career began, Garfield nabbed his first breakout film courtesy of 2010’s The Social Network. A biopic centered around Facebook’s formation, Garfield takes on the role of Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin, the former best friend-turned-bitter rival to Jesse Eisenberg’s Mark Zuckerberg.

Sympathetic and likable, Garfield manages to infuse plenty of emotion into his portrayal of Saverin, juxtaposing himself against the film’s more vindictive, aloof, closed-off image of Zuckerberg. Not only does The Social Network feature some of Garfield’s finest acting, it also served as perhaps the most important entry in his career, winning widespread exposure in the years ahead.

Tick, Tick … Boom!

tick, tick... BOOM! Movie (2021)
Image Credit: Netflix.

It’s interesting to note that the three greatest films in Garfield’s career have all been biographical in nature. In 2021’s Tick, Tick… Boom!, Garfield steps into the shoes of Jonathan Larson, the celebrated writer and composer of Rent who, in this Lin-Manuel Miranda-directed film, sits at a tenuous place in both his personal life and songwriting career.

Feeling he’s close to the breakout success that’s eluded him for so long, Larson doubles down on his creative efforts at the cost of his own relationships. The resulting film lets Garfield capture all of Larson’s idiosyncrasies, aspirations, and inner uncertainties, serving as an effective representation of an artist the world lost far too soon. It’s a great performance, and one of the best Andrew Garfield movies.

Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge Movie (2016)
Image Credit: Mark Rogers/Cross Creek Pictures Pty.

Remember that scene in Forrest Gump when Forrest saves all of his wounded platoon mates in Vietnam? Well, that heroic feat has a historical counterpart in the form of Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield in Hacksaw Ridge), a devout Christian who became the first conscientious objector to win the Medal of Honor for his service in World War II.

The first role that secured Garfield an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, Garfield infuses a ton of emotion into his portrayal of Doss, focusing on Doss’s intense spirituality and his unwavering humanity. Never embittered at his fellow troops or superiors for their antagonistic attitude towards him, Doss retains the same charitable outlook he’s always had, rescuing others when they needed him most.


Silence Movie (2016)
Image Credit:
Paramount Pictures.

After the lackluster reception to The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Garfield turned away from the mainstream, redefining himself as a more dramatic actor able to work with prominent filmmakers. In 2016, this new career direction he took soon led him to Martin Scorsese, whom he worked with in the historical epic, Silence.

As Jesuit priest Sebastião Rodrigues, Garfield demonstrates the same quiet dedication to his religion as Hacksaw Ridge’s Desmond Doss. A detailed illustration of a man’s quest to spread his religious message and also retain his own faith, Garfield vanishes into his role as the proverbial stranger in a strange land.

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man Movie (2012)
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

Having gained a foothold in Hollywood off of The Social Network, Garfield used his newfound popularity to land the role of New York City’s resident superhero, Spider-Man, in 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man.

Taking over the title character from Tobey Maguire, Garfield more than manages to present his own unique take on the hero and his secret identity as Peter Parker. Far more comedic in his iteration of Spider-Man, Garfield’s stint as the web-slinger is perhaps the single best thing in The Amazing Spider-Man series.

99 Homes

99 Homes Movie (2014)
Image Credit: Broad Green Pictures.

In the mid-2010s, Garfield had rose to the forefront of the film industry, thanks in large part to his popular role as Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man movies. In addition to large-budget superhero films, Garfield continued working on lesser-known movies as well, including the underrated 2014 drama film, 99 Homes.

In the context of the film, Garfield plays Dennis Nash, an unemployed single father evicted from his home by ruthless real estate mogul Rick Carver (Michael Shannon). Without any other means of supporting himself or his family, Dennis agrees to help Carver in his chosen profession. As he assists in evicting other tenants from their property, Dennis begins to ponder the moral implications of his work, as well as his responsibilities to provide for his own family. Maintaining excellent chemistry with Shannon, Garfield gives an exceptional performance, playing on a variety of emotions from anxiety and fear to anger and disgust.

Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go Movie (2010)
Image Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures.

Garfield’s most prominent role before The Social Network came with 2010’s Never Let Me Go. An adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro’s 2005 dystopian novel, Never Let Me Go focuses on a love triangle that exists between three artificially-created clones played by Garfield, Carey Mulligan, and Keira Knightley.

As Tommy, the mutual romantic interest of both Mulligan and Knightley’s characters, Garfield displays a sense of childlike naivety in his personality. Interacting with the world around him for the first time in his life, Tommy experiences every aspect of everyday life with candor and surprise, viewing the most mundane things with wonder and bewilderment.

Under The Silver Lake

Under the Silver Lake Movie (2018)
Image Credit: A24.

After winning the Tony Award for Best Actor in the National Theater-produced 2017 theatrical show, Angels in America, Garfield appeared in the 2018 comedic neo-noir, Under the Silver Lake. A fascinating and hard-to-interpret absurdist mystery, Garfield does a great job as the film’s main character, the Los Angeles-based slacker, Sam.

A proxy for the audience itself, Sam navigates a tangled web of conspiracies throughout La La Land, each stranger and more confusing than the last. Garfield excels as the would-be detective, willing to meet the most bizarre individuals in his attempt to find his missing neighbor (Riley Keough).

The Eyes of Tammy Faye

The Eyes of Tammy Faye Movie (2021) best andrew garfield movies
Image Credit: Searchlight Pictures.

Having made a name for himself with movies like The Social Network and Hacksaw Ridge, Garfield went on to appear in 2021’s The Eyes of Tammy Faye. Centered around the life and influence of influential televangelist Tammy Faye Bakker, Garfield plays Faye’s husband, Jim Bakker.

A televangelist alongside his wife Tammy (Jessica Chastain), Jim’s path to success runs parallel to his own downward spiral. As he leads moving sermons on the importance of casting out sin, Jim descends into his own pride and avarice, cheating on Tammy and taking advantage of his newfound stardom. 

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Spider-Man: No Way Home Movie (2021)
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

After stepping away from the red and blue suit of Spider-Man in the wake of 2014’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Garfield returned as the superhero in the MCU film, Spider-Man: No Way Home. An ambitious crossover between the three live-action Spider-Men (Garfield, Tobey Maguire, and Tom Holland), Garfield reprises his role as a grittier version of the Marc Webb-produced Amazing Spider-Man films.

Having “stopped pulling his punches” after Gwen Stacy’s death, Garfield’s Spider-Man blames himself for his girlfriend’s demise, harboring a more traumatic side to his character. In an almost meta-commentary on Garfield’s run as Spider-Man, Garfield’s Peter spends a majority of the film lamenting his lack of success as the wall-crawler compared to Maguire and Holland. In more ways than one, Garfield’s epic appearance here more than redeems the abundant weaknesses of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, revitalizing fan interest in a potential Amazing Spider-Man 3.


Breathe Movie (2017)
Image Credit: Bleecker Street.

Yet another biopic among Andrew Garfield movies, Breathe ranks as excellent as Garfield’s previous work on The Social Network, Hacksaw Ridge, and The Eyes of Tammy Faye. Playing Robin Cavendish – a young man in the 1950s diagnosed with a fatal case of polio – Garfield embodies the same incredulous outlook on life as he exhibited in 2010’s Never Me Let Go.

Despondent regarding his illness and unfortunate lot in life, Cavendish gains a more appreciative view of his existence as the days go by, spending as much time with his family and loved ones as he can, living each day as though it were his last. It’s a heartfelt and tender portrayal, and one that does justice to Cavendish’s lasting memory and lifelong activism.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Movie (2009)
Image Credit: Lionsgate.

Prior to The Social Network’s release in 2010, audiences didn’t know Garfield all that well, though he appeared in a string of movies in the mid to late 2000s. Among the most notable of these films has to be Terry Gilliam’s 2009 fantasy movie, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.

Cast as the young traveling theater barker Anton, Garfield has a wonderful antagonistic relationship to Heath Ledger’s Tony, an enigmatic businessman who Anton suspects of a dubious past. Though a small role, Garfield is enjoyable to watch, possessing some inspired chemistry with Ledger and their mutual romantic interest (Lily Cole).

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