Kohl’s Affiliate Program – Payout, Assessment, and Signal Up « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Kohl’s Affiliate Program – Payout, Assessment, and Signal Up

Posted On Feb 11, 2024 By admin With Comments Off on Kohl’s Affiliate Program – Payout, Assessment, and Signal Up

Are you looking to boost your marketing efforts and earn extra income? Look no further than the Kohl’s Affiliate Program. As a leading retailer in the United States, Kohl’s offers an exciting opportunity for affiliate marketers to partner with a trusted brand and earn commissions on every sale they generate.

With the growing importance of SEO and digital marketing, affiliate programs have become a popular way to drive traffic and increase sales. By joining the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, you can leverage their extensive product offerings and take advantage of their strong online presence to maximize your earnings.

As an affiliate, you will receive unique referral links that track the customers you refer to Kohl’s website. For every sale made through your referral links, you will earn a commission. This allows you to earn passive income by simply driving traffic to Kohl’s and promoting their products through your marketing channels.

Disclaimer: This website offers generic information about individuals, brands, and businesses for entertainment and satire purposes. It does not provide financial advice or serve as an authoritative source. Content is based on various online sources and may be outdated. Visitors should verify information independently and seek professional advice for decisions. All images are for visual demonstration only and do not represent real products or individuals.

Kohls Affiliate Program

Key Takeaways:

  • Join the Kohl’s Affiliate Program to earn commissions on sales generated through your referral links.
  • Leverage Kohl’s strong online presence and extensive product offerings to drive traffic and increase your earnings.
  • Promote Kohl’s products through your marketing channels and earn passive income with every sale.
  • Take advantage of SEO and digital marketing strategies to maximize the impact of your affiliate marketing efforts.
  • Partner with a trusted brand, Kohl’s, to establish credibility and build a successful affiliate marketing business.

Overview of Kohl’s Affiliate Program

Kohl’s is a reputable department store chain known for its extensive selection of both physical and digital products. If you have a website or a strong online presence, you can leverage the power of the Kohl’s Affiliate Program to earn commissions by promoting their products. This section provides an overview of the program’s key features and commission structure.

Affiliate Program Overview

The Kohl’s Affiliate Program is designed to reward affiliates for driving sales to the Kohl’s website through their referral links. As an affiliate, you will earn a commission on every qualifying purchase made by customers you refer. By joining the program, you can gain access to a wide range of products and take advantage of the program’s attractive commission rates.

Commission Structure

One of the key advantages of the Kohl’s Affiliate Program is its simple and straightforward commission structure. Affiliates are offered a single-tier commission, where they can earn a commission rate of 3% on the sales they generate. This means that for every purchase made by customers who click on your referral links, you will earn 3% of the total sale.

The program’s commission rate of 3% provides affiliates with a competitive earning potential. Whether you are a seasoned affiliate marketer or just starting out, this program offers a reliable way to monetize your website and earn commissions from your online marketing efforts.

Promotional Materials

When you join the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, you will gain access to a variety of promotional materials that can help you effectively promote Kohl’s products and attract potential customers. The program provides image banners and text link banners that you can use on your website, blog, or social media channels to drive traffic and increase conversions.

These promotional materials are professionally designed to capture the attention of your audience and encourage them to click on your referral links. By placing these banners strategically on your website or including them in your content, you can enhance your chances of generating sales and earning commissions through the Kohl’s Affiliate Program.

Promotional Materials Description
Image Banners Eye-catching visuals that showcase popular products or ongoing promotions, which can be easily incorporated into your website’s design.
Text Link Banners Attention-grabbing banners with embedded referral links, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate product recommendations into your content.

With these promotional materials at your disposal, you can effectively market Kohl’s products to your audience and drive traffic to the Kohl’s website. By utilizing these resources, you can enhance the visibility of your affiliate links and ultimately increase your chances of earning commissions.

Campaigns and Promotional Materials

When participating in the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, affiliates must be familiar with the campaign rules to ensure successful promotion of the program. These rules include guidelines on accepted countries, traffic sources, cookie duration, and content policy. By adhering to these rules, affiliates can maximize their chances of earning commissions and maintain a positive partnership with Kohl’s.

Campaign Rules

Before promoting the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, it’s essential to acquaint yourself with the campaign rules. Familiarize yourself with the following criteria:

  • Accepted Countries: Ensure that your target audience resides in the countries where the Kohl’s Affiliate Program is allowed. This ensures that your promotional efforts are effective and relevant.
  • traffic Sources: Identify the approved traffic sources for promoting the Kohl’s program. This may include websites, blogs, social media platforms, or email marketing. Understanding the allowed sources helps you leverage the right channels for effective promotion.
  • Cookie Duration: Take note of the cookie duration, which determines the timeframe in which affiliates can earn commissions from their referrals. Understanding the cookie duration helps you set realistic expectations and optimize your promotional efforts within the specified timeframe.
  • Content Policy: Familiarize yourself with the content policy of the Kohl’s program. Ensure that your promotional materials align with the guidelines and restrictions to avoid any potential conflicts.

Promotional Materials

As an affiliate, you’ll have access to a variety of promotional materials offered by the Kohl’s Affiliate Program. These resources assist in effectively promoting Kohl’s products and driving conversions. Some of the promotional materials available include:

  • Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers to create engaging content that showcases Kohl’s products and entices potential customers.
  • Image Banners: Utilize eye-catching image banners featuring the latest deals, discounts, and product highlights to capture the attention of your audience.
  • Text Link Banners: Incorporate text link banners within your content to seamlessly integrate affiliate links and direct your audience to Kohl’s product pages.

Incorporating these promotional materials into your marketing strategy can greatly enhance your chances of success in the Kohl’s Affiliate Program. Experiment with different resources and find the ones that resonate best with your audience.

Kohl’s Affiliate Program

Promotional Material Description
Influencer Marketing Collaborate with influential content creators to promote Kohl’s products through engaging and authentic content.
Image Banners Eye-catching banner images featuring the latest deals, discounts, and product highlights to drive conversions.
Text Link Banners Text-based banners that seamlessly incorporate affiliate links within your content for a smooth user experience.

Commissions and Payouts

Affiliates participating in the Kohl’s Affiliate Program can earn a fixed commission rate of 3% on sales they generate. This competitive commission rate allows affiliates to earn a fair share of the revenue for their promotional efforts.

Payouts for the Kohl’s Affiliate Program are made on a monthly basis, ensuring that affiliates receive their earnings in a timely manner. Affiliates have the flexibility to choose their preferred payout method between bank transfers or Paypal, making it convenient for affiliates to receive their commissions.

One of the standout features of the Kohl’s Affiliate Program is that there is no minimum payout requirement. This means that affiliates can receive their earnings regardless of the amount, providing a seamless and hassle-free payment process.

With the generous commission rate and flexible payout options, the Kohl’s Affiliate Program ensures that affiliates are rewarded for their hard work and can enjoy a steady income stream from their promotional activities.

Requirements and Approval Process

Joining the Kohl’s Affiliate Program is a straightforward process that requires a website and an Impact Radius network account. The program primarily collaborates with bloggers, social media influencers, content creators, and other editorial publications in the fashion and clothing niches.

Applicants are encouraged to have an established website with relevant content that aligns with Kohl’s target audience. This helps ensure a strong partnership and successful promotion of Kohl’s products. Additionally, having an Impact Radius account is essential as it serves as the platform for program management and tracking of referral links and commissions.

To apply for the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, simply navigate to the Impact Radius platform and follow the instructions for signing up. Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the program’s team. Successful applicants will receive notification of their approval and can start driving traffic and earning commissions through the program.

Pros and Cons of Kohl’s Affiliate Program

The Kohl’s Affiliate Program offers various advantages and disadvantages to consider. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons:


  • Access to Promotional Materials: Affiliates can utilize a range of promotional materials provided by the Kohl’s Affiliate Program. These resources, including image banners and text link banners, can enhance marketing efforts and increase click-through rates.
  • Impact Radius Network: By joining the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, affiliates gain access to the broader Impact Radius network. This network offers additional promotional resources, support, and networking opportunities, enabling affiliates to maximize their marketing strategies.


  • Lower Commission Rate: The commission rate offered by the Kohl’s Affiliate Program is 2.4%, which may be lower compared to some other clothing affiliate programs. Affiliates should consider this when evaluating potential earnings from promoting Kohl’s products.
  • Requirement for an Impact Radius Account: Affiliates must possess an Impact Radius account to participate in the Kohl’s Affiliate Program. While this may require an additional step during the sign-up process, it also opens up opportunities to collaborate with other brands within the Impact Radius network.

Despite the lower commission rate, the extended 7-day cookie window provided by the Kohl’s Affiliate Program allows affiliates to earn commissions for a longer duration. This extended period can compensate for the slightly lower commission rate.

Pros Cons
Access to promotional materials Lower commission rate
Opportunity to join the Impact Radius network Requirement for an Impact Radius account

Kohl’s Affiliate Program

Alternatives to Kohl’s Affiliate Program

If you’re a fashion and clothing blogger looking to monetize your content, the Kohl’s Affiliate Program is certainly worth considering. However, if you’re seeking higher commission rates or exploring other options in the fashion affiliate programs niche, there are several alternatives that you can explore. We’ve compiled a list of some popular fashion affiliate programs below:

  1. Amazon Affiliate Marketing: As one of the largest online retailers, Amazon offers a comprehensive affiliate program with a wide range of fashion products to promote.
  2. Target Affiliate Program: Target’s affiliate program provides competitive commission rates and a vast selection of trendy fashion items.
  3. Walmart Affiliate Program: Walmart’s affiliate program boasts a diverse range of fashion products, making it an attractive choice for fashion bloggers.
  4. Revolve Affiliate Program: Revolve specializes in high-end fashion brands and offers a generous commission structure for affiliates.
  5. Nordstrom Affiliate Program: Nordstrom’s affiliate program provides access to a wide variety of clothing and accessories, with competitive commission rates.
  6. Sephora Affiliate Program: If you focus on beauty and cosmetics in addition to fashion, Sephora’s affiliate program offers excellent earning potential.

These alternatives to the Kohl’s Affiliate Program provide different commission rates, product selections, and opportunities for fashion influencers. Consider exploring these programs to find the best fit for your niche and audience. Remember to review each program’s terms and conditions to ensure they align with your marketing strategy and goals.

fashion affiliate programs

Integration of Kohl’s Affiliate Program with Geniuslink

With the integration of Kohl’s affiliate program into the Geniuslink platform, affiliates can easily build affiliate links and earn commissions. This integration allows affiliates to quickly affiliate any raw product link from Kohls.com using the Geniuslink dashboard and their Impact Partner ID. This feature makes it easier for affiliates to monetize Kohl’s links and diversify their affiliate revenues.

Geniuslink integration

The integration of Kohl’s affiliate program with Geniuslink provides affiliates with a seamless process for incorporating their affiliate links into their content. By utilizing the Geniuslink dashboard and their Impact Partner ID, affiliates can effortlessly generate unique, trackable links that drive traffic and generate sales on Kohls.com.

Benefits of the Integration
1. Streamlined process: Affiliates no longer need to manually create affiliate links for Kohl’s products. With the Geniuslink integration, the process is automated, saving time and effort.
2. Enhanced tracking and analytics: The Geniuslink platform provides detailed analytics and tracking features, allowing affiliates to monitor the performance of their Kohl’s affiliate links.
3. Increased monetization opportunities: By integrating the Kohl’s affiliate program with Geniuslink, affiliates can expand their revenue streams and maximize their earnings.
4. Easy link management: The Geniuslink dashboard enables affiliates to organize and manage their Kohl’s affiliate links efficiently.

The integration of the Kohl’s affiliate program with Geniuslink empowers affiliates to leverage their online presence and drive traffic to Kohls.com. By utilizing the advanced features and capabilities of Geniuslink, affiliates can optimize their affiliate marketing strategies and achieve greater success with the Kohl’s affiliate program.

Benefits of Geniuslink and Kohl’s Affiliate Program

By leveraging the power of Geniuslink in conjunction with the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, affiliates can unlock a multitude of benefits that maximize their affiliate revenue potential. This dynamic partnership allows affiliates to diversify their earnings by promoting both Amazon and Kohl’s affiliate links, catering to a wider range of customer preferences and shopping habits.

One of the standout features of Geniuslink is its innovative Choice Pages functionality. With Choice Pages, affiliates can seamlessly showcase products from different storefronts, including Kohl’s, in a user-friendly and intuitive manner. This empowers affiliates to present customers with multiple options, ultimately increasing the likelihood of engagement, conversions, and affiliate revenue.

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of combining Geniuslink and the Kohl’s Affiliate Program:

  1. Diversified Affiliate Revenue: By promoting both Amazon and Kohl’s affiliate links, affiliates can tap into multiple revenue streams and reduce dependence on any single program. This diversification strategy provides stability and enables affiliates to adapt to changing market conditions.
  2. Expanded Product Selection: With access to both Amazon and Kohl’s product catalogs, affiliates gain the ability to offer a diverse range of items to their audience. This expanded product selection caters to various interests and preferences, increasing customer satisfaction and boosting affiliate earnings.
  3. Targeted Promotions: With Choice Pages, affiliates can tailor their promotions to specific customer segments or preferences. For example, an affiliate targeting fashion-forward customers can showcase popular clothing items from Kohl’s, while simultaneously offering complementary accessories or beauty products from Amazon. This targeted approach enhances relevancy and drives engagement.

By leveraging the combined power of Geniuslink and the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, affiliates can unlock new revenue streams, expand their product offerings, and deliver more personalized promotions. This strategic integration empowers affiliates to maximize their earning potential and forge stronger connections with their audience.

Kohl's Affiliate Program Benefits

A/B Split Testing with Amazon Affiliate Program

In order to determine which program is the best fit for their audience and recommended products, affiliates can take advantage of the A/B Split Test feature offered by Geniuslink. This powerful tool allows affiliates to compare the performance of the Kohl’s Affiliate Program with the Amazon Affiliate Program, providing valuable insights that can help maximize affiliate earnings.

By conducting A/B split testing, affiliates can evaluate the effectiveness of each program in terms of generating conversions, click-through rates, and revenue. This data-driven approach enables affiliates to make informed decisions regarding their affiliate marketing strategies and optimize their promotional efforts.

How A/B Split Testing Works

With the A/B Split Test feature, affiliates can create multiple versions of their website or landing page, each incorporating a different affiliate program. Geniuslink then evenly distributes traffic between the different versions, allowing affiliates to closely monitor and compare the performance metrics of each program. The results of the split test can help affiliates identify the program that resonates the most with their audience and effectively drives conversions.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to conduct an A/B split test with Geniuslink:

  1. Sign in to your Geniuslink account.
  2. Create multiple variations of your website or landing page, each integrated with a different affiliate program (Kohl’s Affiliate Program and Amazon Affiliate Program).
  3. Set up the A/B Split Test campaign and define the distribution percentage for each program. For example, you can allocate 50% of the traffic to the Kohl’s Affiliate Program version and 50% to the Amazon Affiliate Program version.
  4. Monitor the performance metrics for each variation, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated.
  5. Analyze the results and identify which program performs better in terms of meeting your goals and objectives.
  6. Based on the findings, optimize your affiliate marketing strategy by focusing on the program that yields the highest conversions and revenue.

Through A/B split testing, affiliates can make data-driven decisions and allocate their resources effectively. This enables them to optimize their affiliate marketing efforts and maximize their revenue potential.

A/B Split Testing Results

To showcase the potential insights that can be gained from A/B split testing, let’s take a look at a hypothetical example of the results:

Performance Metrics Kohl’s Affiliate Program Amazon Affiliate Program
Click-through Rate 5% 8%
Conversion Rate 2% 4%
Revenue Generated $1,000 $2,000

In this example, the results clearly show that the Amazon Affiliate Program outperforms the Kohl’s Affiliate Program in terms of click-through rate, conversion rate, and revenue generated. Based on these findings, the affiliate can focus their efforts on promoting products through the Amazon Affiliate Program to maximize their earnings.

A/B Split Testing

By leveraging the A/B Split Test feature, affiliates can make informed decisions about their affiliate programs and optimize their marketing strategies to drive higher conversions and revenue.

Expanding Affiliate Program Support with Geniuslink

Geniuslink is committed to providing comprehensive support for affiliate programs, and the recent addition of the Kohl’s Affiliate Program further strengthens their offerings. With over 30 supported programs, Geniuslink ensures that affiliates have a diverse range of options to promote and maximize their earnings.

One of the key features that Geniuslink offers is the Suggestions feature, which makes it even easier for affiliates to find and promote Kohl’s products alongside other supported programs. This innovative tool helps affiliates discover the most relevant products to their audience, resulting in more effective and targeted marketing efforts.

Geniuslink’s dedication to expanding its network of supported programs demonstrates their commitment to helping affiliates diversify their revenue streams. By continually adding great programs like the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, Geniuslink ensures that affiliates have access to a wide variety of high-quality brands and products to promote to their audience. This not only increases affiliate earnings but also provides valuable options for customers, enhancing their shopping experience.


What is the Kohl’s Affiliate Program?

The Kohl’s Affiliate Program is a Cost Per Sale (CPS) program that allows affiliates to earn commissions on sales they generate through referral links.

How does the Kohl’s Affiliate Program work?

Affiliates promote Kohl’s products through referral links and earn a commission on every sale made through those links.

What is the commission rate of the Kohl’s Affiliate Program?

Affiliates earn a fixed commission rate of 3% on sales generated through the Kohl’s Affiliate Program.

How often are payouts made in the Kohl’s Affiliate Program?

Payouts are made on a monthly basis in the Kohl’s Affiliate Program.

What are the payment options for the Kohl’s Affiliate Program?

Affiliates can receive their earnings via bank transfers or Paypal in the Kohl’s Affiliate Program.

Is there a minimum payout requirement in the Kohl’s Affiliate Program?

No, there is no minimum payout requirement in the Kohl’s Affiliate Program. Affiliates can receive their earnings regardless of the amount.

Who can join the Kohl’s Affiliate Program?

The Kohl’s Affiliate Program typically partners with bloggers, social media influencers, content creators, and other editorial publications in the fashion and clothing niches.

How can I apply for the Kohl’s Affiliate Program?

You can apply for the Kohl’s Affiliate Program through the Impact Radius platform.

Are there any alternatives to the Kohl’s Affiliate Program?

Yes, some alternatives to the Kohl’s Affiliate Program include Amazon Affiliate Marketing, Target Affiliate Program, Walmart Affiliate Program, Revolve Affiliate Program, Nordstrom Affiliate Program, and Sephora Affiliate Program.

Can I use the Kohl’s Affiliate Program with the Geniuslink platform?

Yes, with the integration of the Kohl’s Affiliate Program into the Geniuslink platform, affiliates can easily build affiliate links and earn commissions.

What are the benefits of using Geniuslink with the Kohl’s Affiliate Program?

By using Geniuslink and the Kohl’s Affiliate Program, affiliates can diversify their affiliate revenues and promote both Amazon and Kohl’s affiliate links.

How can I compare the performance of the Kohl’s Affiliate Program with the Amazon Affiliate Program?

You can use the A/B Split Test feature of Geniuslink to compare the performance of the Kohl’s Affiliate Program with the Amazon Affiliate Program.

Is the Kohl’s Affiliate Program supported by Geniuslink?

Yes, the Kohl’s Affiliate Program is supported by Geniuslink, along with over 30 other affiliate programs.

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