How to Make Extra Money as a Brand Ambassador (& 10 Places to Find Brand Ambassador Jobs)

Posted On May 15, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on How to Make Extra Money as a Brand Ambassador (& 10 Places to Find Brand Ambassador Jobs)

A brand ambassador is someone who represents a brand.

You promote brands on social media sites, like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, or on your blog. Sometimes, online brand ambassadors are called “influencers”.

In this role, you have a variety of tasks to do, which could vary depending on the brand you’re representing.

Both basically involve promoting a brand. If you enjoy chatting to new people and don’t shy away from crowds, then in-person brand ambassador jobs at venues and events would suit you.

If you enjoy interacting with people more online on social media, your blog or YouTube, then online brand ambassador jobs are for you.

Below, we’ll cover both types of jobs.

Obviously, just like any other job or gig, pay varies based on different factors. When it comes to influencers and brands ambassadors, the number of social media follows you have is the biggest factor in how much you get paid. The more follower you have, the more reach you have. Companies know the value of that so they are willing to pay you more.

Having said that, typically you can expect anywhere from $17 to $25 per hour.

With enough followers on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms, you could easily make an extra $100 to $1000 a month as a brand ambassador.

We’re going to start with places to find brand ambassador work that you do in-person, at venues and events.

This company provides staff for events nationwide. It hires brand ambassadors. You’ll need to have the Victory Agency app to apply for gigs.

What’s great about Victoria Agency is that you can pick the gigs you want to apply for.

To apply for brand ambassador gigs near you, just open up the app, and select the “Gigs” tab.

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There, you’ll be able to view gigs that you are eligible for, in the cities that you have chosen to work in.

For jobs booked through the app, you’ll get paid by direct deposit.

Gigs pay up to $16 to $50 an hour.

  • Get the Victory Agency app for iOS devices here.
  • Get the Victory Agency app for Android devices here.

2. ATN Event Staffing

ATN Event Staffing is a promotional event staffing agency.

Submit your resume and photos to ATN Event Staffing, and then you can choose the events that you’re interested in.

This is another one offering flexible jobs.

If you are chosen for an interview for an event, then an ATN Account Manager will contact you.

The company doesn’t state how much it pays on its website, but according to reports on Glassdoor, payment varies from $14 to $21 an hour.

Also if paid parking at the event is your only option, then the client may reimburse you for parking expenses.

If you want to get paid to be a brand ambassador, then ATN event staffing is a good option.

  • Sign up for ATN Event Staffing here.

3. Fusion Event Staffing

Fusion Event Staffing has more than two decades’ worth of experience in the industry.

Sign up with the company, and you could get paid to be an event ambassador for brands.

While Fusion Event Staffing doesn’t list pay rates on its website, according to reports on Glassdoor, pay for brand ambassadors at the company is $15 to $18 an hour.

  • Sign up to Fusion Event Staffing here.

4. myStreetTeam

myStreetTeam provides promotional staff for companies in various industries, like film, music, trade shows, food and beverage, and sports.

You could sign up as one of its brand ambassadors and make money.

You just need to send an email to [email protected], and be sure to include the subject line, “Sign Me Up!”

Then, myStreetTeam will email you a form that will get you into its promo database for your city.

Basically, you’re signing up to receive a brand ambassador job list.

  • Learn more about being a myStreetTeam ambassador for brands here.

5. Job Search Sites (Great for Finding Jobs Near You!)

Many people wonder, “where can I find brand ambassador jobs near me?”

For finding local jobs, there’s really no better place to look than job listing sites, like:

  • Simply Hired
  • Indeed
  • Glassdoor
  • Craigslist
  • LinkedIn
  • Monster

On there, you can search for the term “brand ambassador” and filter by gigs that are near to you.

At the time of writing, for the search term “brand ambassador,” there were:

That’s a lot of jobs!

This is such an easy way to find nearby brand ambassador gigs.

Also, just doing a Google search for the term “brand ambassador,” followed by the name of your city can generate lots of results.

Places to Find Online Brand Ambassador Jobs (Social Media, Blogs, and Youtube)

Above, we mentioned jobs where you promote brands and events at venues.

However, if you prefer to work at home, then online brand ambassador jobs are for you.

With these jobs you promote brands, just as you do with the companies above, except, you do it online.

Like we mentioned above, you’ll promote brands on blogs, social media, and YouTube – basically on online channels.

In terms of brand ambassador salary or income, it’s harder to give exact figures for online jobs, simply because you don’t tend to get paid hourly as you do with the companies above.

Instead, you’ll get paid a set fee for each assignment that you work on. And, this fee can differ from brand to brand and from assignment to assignment.

Let’s take a look at some websites that hire brand ambassadors, or influencers as they may also be referred to.

6. GOsnap

Find paid brand ambassador jobs on Instagram and other platforms, like YouTube, and Twitter, on GOsnap.

As one of the site’s influencers, you can get paid to introduce your followers to brands.

Brands offer paid sponsorship opportunities. You can choose the campaigns you want to work on. How much you get paid depends on the number of followers that you have.

To sign up, just visit the website and enter your email address to request an invite.

For this one, you will need to have at least 10,000 followers/subscribers on your Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube account to be invited, and a minimum of 50 posts.

You are also required to have a minimum engagement level of 3%. This means that for an account with 10,000 followers, you’ll need at least 300 likes and/or comments.

7. FameBit

Get paid to promote brands on platforms, like YouTube and Twitter, with Famebit.

At the time of writing, the website says there are more than 560 active sponsorship opportunities available.

What’s great about Famebit is that you can submit proposals for the sponsorships that you are interested in, and you can list your promotion fee (how much you want to get paid) as well.

To sign up, you will need at least 5,000 followers on your channel.

  • Sign up for FameBit here.

8. BlogExpose

Do you have a blog?

If so, then you might want to give BlogExpose a try.

With BlogExpose, you get paid to write blog posts that are sponsored by brands.

Basically, you promote brands on your blogs.

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to browse through jobs and apply to the ones that you are interested in.

  • Sign up for BlogExpose here.

9. PayPerPost

If you have a blog and want to work with brands, then check out PayPerPost.

It’s another one where you can earn money writing content for brands on your blog.

PayPerPost is a good option if you’re looking to get paid to promote brands through blogging.

  • Sign up for PayPerPost here.

10. SponsoredTweets

Do you spend a lot of time on Twitter?

Well, promote brands on there and you could make money!

A website called SponsoredTweets pays you to promote brands on Twitter.

It is actually part of the same company, called IZEA, as PayPerPost.

If you’ve been looking for social media brand ambassador jobs, then SponsoredTweets is the platform for you!

  • Sign up to SponsoredTweets here.

Closing Thoughts

There are so many places that offer paid work at home opportunities to work with brands. What’s great about these jobs is that they are so flexible.

You can pick up as many or as few gigs as you want too.

And, this type of work pays pretty well, so whether you’re a college student looking for brand ambassador jobs to pay for school supplies, or just want to earn some extra money to save for a vacation, promoting brands is a great choice.

Whether in-person at an event or venue or online on Instagram or your blog, there are plenty of places to find brand ambassador jobs.

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