Tag Archives: remote work

Secure Remote Work and the Legal Field

Over the last year, finds that were once alone held during courtrooms or constitution firms were unexpectedly happening in kitchens and home office. The pandemic effected disruption to all industries–including legal–which cast traditional ways of doing business and engage with patients out the window. Hard-wired desk phones were Read more

Virtual Now…and into the Future

Our team at Best Corporate Events has depleted most of this year dedicated to adjusting and developing new provides to suit the virtual environment necessitated for all of us by the COVID-1 9 pandemic. It has been both enjoyable and rewarding to innovate and create a whole new line of virtual program, plus our consumers […] Read more

Experiences from Cybersecurity Leaders in Extraordinary Times: Adjustments and Outcomes

The sudden move to telework this year steeped the word “challenge” with new sense for the safety administrations. Within a matter of epoches and weeks, many of these presidents had to figure out how they could rework their employers’ security policies in such a way that supported a massive alter to working from home. This Read more

5 Tips for Recruiting Remote Workers

The dominos are starting to fall as companionships across the world are compiling the announcement: remote work is here to stay. With giants like Twitter, Square, Facebook, and Microsoft preceding the path, strewn teams could be 100 percentage virtual and( if it happens at all) it could take months for parties to meet in person […] Read more