Tag Archives: keywords

7 Unique Keyword Research Tips in 10 Minutes

Here are 7 unique keyword experiment tips-off to continue to optimize your website for keywords and topics. I go over SEO keyword research gratuities that are easy to follow and Google Ads keyword research gratuities. It can be difficult to find the claim keywords for your business. 7 Keyword Research Tips: 1. Research each keyword […] Read more

How Accurate is Google Keyword Planner?

In this video, we share our thoughts on how accurate Keyword Planner’s search volumes are. *************************************** Additional Keyword Research Resources Keyword Research Tutorials For SEO> https :// www.youtube.com/ playlist? register =P LvJ_dXFSpd2u 5JCtiYWfvnSvAkoPwg5VY SEO Tips, Tricks and Policy to Rank# 1 on Google> Read more

Google Keyword Planner Tutorial for 2022

Check out our video where we cover the Google Ads Keyword Tool aka the Google Keyword Planner for 2022. The keyword planner alters every year so we wanted to make a video register you how to do keyword research for SEO, keyword research for Google Ads, and all the features so you can refine your […] Read more

You Will NEVER Rank For These Types of Keywords (STOP Setting Yourself Up For Failure!)

If you do this, you’ll named yourself up for SEO failure. Today I’m going to break down how you’ll never graded for specific types of keywords and how to stop setting yourself up for failure. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: https :// neilpatel.com/ ubersuggest/ Read more

How to Create Buyer’s Guide Blog Posts to Drive Sales and Rank High – #20 – From $0 to $2K

It can be difficult to create buyer’s guide blog posts and long-form content. In this video, I demonstrate you the basic method for creating a buyers guide that will help your SEO tries. Long-form customer navigates that target short-tail and long-tail keywords are vital when you want to rank high on Google. What you need […] Read more

Build a Competitive Amazon Marketing Campaign Through These 10 Effective Tips

The idea of putting up your own business may seem like an easy project, but when you actually start the process it becomes a lot trickier than you think. While creating your dealer sketch is easy–especially if you know your way around eCommerce platforms–gaining exposure and contacting out to purchasers is a entire different ball Read more

The Secret to Being Popular on YouTube

You create all this amazing content on YouTube but no one’s watching it. What should be used do? Today I’m going to break down the secret to being favourite on YouTube. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ How I Rank# 1 For Very Competitive Keywords on YouTube: https :// www.youtube.com/ watch? v= Read more