Tag Archives: climbing

A Very Informal Interview with Mitsu Iwasaki

Last month the American Alpine Club has declared that Mitsu Iwasaki would be the organization’s brand-new CEO. This was big-hearted news, as he’d be ousting Phil Powers, who has manager the team for the past 15 years and announced he would be retiring last-place October. It was large-scale story to me, very, because I’ve been Read more

Essential Climbing Knots You Should Know and How to Tie Them

Tying braids is an essential skill for clambering. Whether tying in as a climber, build an linchpin, or rappelling, squandering the claim bow will oblige your climbing know safer and easier. Here, we’ll go over how to bind six common bows, drawbacks, and bends for descending. Keep in mind, there are plenty of other useful […] Read more