Young adults are more likely to be COVID-19 superspreaders, new research shows — probably because they aren’t staying home

new york young adults coronavirusAlexi Rosenfeld/ Getty Images

People under senility 60 tend to be the prime motorists of superspreading occurrences, a new study knew. Study therefore seems that superspreading affairs account for large shares of coronavirus transmission. The study came as the WHO alarmed that young adults may be spreading the virus to the elderly. Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

One man’s wild weekend in Seoul, South Korea. A birthday party in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. A trip to a winery in Ohio. In all three instances, a young adult spread the coronavirus to at least a dozen people. The 29 -year-old man in Seoul infected more than 100 others.

In the last few months, high-risk works like these among young adults have been increasingly linked to superspreading happens. It’s part of bigger structure of young people fueling transmission, according to a recent study from investigates at Emory University and the Georgia Department of Public Health.See the rest of the floor at Business Insider

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