The Ultimate Guide to Using GIFs in Marketing

The Convince& Convert Editor in Chief knew what she was doing when she sounded me to write the “GIFs for Marketers” post. I has now been abdicated my “emoji queen” title to accept the GIFs-Guru-In-Residence now at C& C. It’s true. I think in GIFs, and I won’t respond to a team email without one. Once you read this, I’m hoping you don’t, either.

What are GIFs?

GIFs are easy-to-share videos, looping endlessly. They render feelings heavines or framework in a life of non-verbal communication. GIFs are universal in today’s digital language. They’re available to use on your portable messenger app, in social notes, and sometimes an entire social affixes strategy( Tumblr ).

If you’re not persuasion more of their importance, then consider this: the use of GIFs in social media is a Shorty award category.

GIFs have a cousin you should also know about: the Sticker.

What is a sticker?

A sticker is technically a GIF format, with( at least 20%) transparency around the edges. Stickers are flat personas that can be animated. They’re more prevalent on messaging apps and Instagram storeys, are more often summarized and are meant to add a little flair of emotion.

A Little History of GIFs

In human years, GIF, which is shorthand for graphics interchange format, would be a Millennial. Internet history traces the GIF back to 1987 and CompuServ. For a couple of decades, GIFs were these charming little invigorated icons construed around the world wide web. Certainly , not a threat to the prime artistic plight GIF enjoys now. But when Web 2.0( in the early 2000 s) birthed YouTube and the rise of video authors, followed by the rapid adoption of social media and smartphones, the GIF emerged as a phenomenon.


Reaction GIFs

Tumblr returned a home to the emergence of action GIFs, motivating authors to identify the perfect video sequence for every possible reaction. The builders and writers at BuzzFeed consumed GIFs from day 1, both on the site and in related social media posts. BuzzFeed’s popularity helped propel GIFs into the mainstream for internet users and social media culture. Today, GIPHY, Tenor, and Gfycat host and indicator billions of user-generated GIFs that dominance GIF search and detection on mobile phones and across social networks.

The GIF Pronunciation Debate

The ongoing debate about GIF pronunciation divides between unit hard-handed “g” or crew soft “g”. Brilliantly, GIPHY teamed up with JIF peanut butter to settle this, in GIFs, once and for all.


Can I use GIFs for market?

Short answer: of course you can!

Longer answer: Yes! GIFs are primary for marketing.

GIFs are extremely versatile in both content and how they are deployed. Using GIFs is another way to integrate more video into your overall post-type mix. Beyond social media, GIFs are used in blogs, email, direct words, and even website backgrounds.

And publics engage with GIFs. Omnicore found that tweets with GIFs get 55% more engagement than those without — but simply 2% of all tweets contain GIFs.

GIFs work because they’re simple — no audio, simply video( some with paroles on the graphic ). They’re artistic, without overthinking. You don’t need video times to work from. A whole genre of imaginative inspired illustration GIFs by talented builders have made foremost positions and rival video excerpts for the most-viewed GIFs.

Marketers have a variety of options for how to integrate GIFs into their content stack 😛 TAGEND

Educate and inform Appearance off product Quick-witted replies to social mentions and remarks Demonstrate simple steps Give customers something to share spontaneously Add shift and interest, particularly in traditionally static paths, like email

Why Use GIFs in Marketing

Culturally, Americans use GIFs most often to express two commonly spoken feelings; either to say “I Love You” or “Happy Birthday.”


Recently, we have much more to say. The racial awake and happens of the past year elevated the advocacy label “IntoAction, ” and their here-and-now illustrated GIFs to the most-viewed partner brand on GIPHY with 21.4 B( that’s billion) attitudes in 2020.

Audiences like them because they’re suddenly — most GIFs are less than 4 seconds long — and add situation and passion. GIFs humanize social chronicles by being relatable.

I admit I think in GIFs, whether from my favorite Tv appearance or a sports highlight bundle. Nine days out of ten, when I search for a GIF with an feeling or savvy response, I can find a GIF that parallels my exact tone and humor. There is a GIF for anything and everything.

GIFs work for commerce since they are 😛 TAGEND

Aid spontaneity and real-time response Inject identity into the brand tone and identity Help storytelling, but with fewer words Are a safe road to test courageous content that is hyper-relevant and inspirational.

If we are aware of where and how purveyors can use GIFs, why aren’t more purveyors utilizing GIFs in material?

Don’t let a lack of branded content or copyright concerns dissuade you from beginning to use GIFs. If your Legal department has already cautioned the use of GIFS from copyrighted content, have no fear. Designing a branded specify of GIFs and Stickers is a relatively straightforward artistic project.

How to Create GIFs for Your Brand

Convince& Convert Consulting recently worked with the University of Arizona on the launch of the COVID Watch app, occasioned as university students “re coming back” to campus in the autumn of 2020. From the messaging and public investigate, we knew students would hug iconography that was updated to reflect current events( diversity and cover-ups were a must ). In our innovative brainstorm, we marked a variety of custom icons, Stickers, and GIFs for the COVID Watch Arizona campaign.


Step 1: Build a inventive brief.

We wanted the icon resources to be available to the University of Arizona social team to create their social announces, we are therefore secured a series of artists to help us delivering these icons to life. Our creative brief included artistic identity, campaign messaging, existing iconography and likeness, and links to GIFs and Sticker forms we wanted to imitate. Our team shared the brief with artists selected from Fiverr, Lightboard, and Ghost Ranch. Using three different artistic resources, we tripled the options and design vogues that colleges and universities would use across the campaign.

Gradation 2: Start with an icon set for the brand.

A set of practice vector icons are the jumping-off point for your GIFs and Stickers. Approving the explains before they became animated saved us( and the artists) age overall. Give the icons to your social team to build additional social graphics that tie into the GIFs and Stickers. Icon prepares is likely to be shareable with influencers who co-create content with your brand.

Step 3: Animate for significance.

After approving vector icons, masters went to work to animate them to match the wordings and formats we needed. In our brief, we asked for 😛 TAGEND

Illustrated Stickers that emphasize campaign messaging in both handwriting and cartoon/ explain wordings. Animation and advance that enhanced the design were a must.

Animated GIFs of explains that promoted expedition themes and tied into the iconic design elements of the brand.

Pace 4: Build a Creators Account on GIPHY.

Once we had the final folders from our designers, we uploaded the. gif format registers to the brand account on GIPHY and computed a branded set of hashtags for discoverability. Since “weve had” the accounting attested during the creation stage, the brand-new assets were available almost immediately on Instagram when we probed for the University of Arizona.

To create and optimize a GIPHY account, follow these steps 😛 TAGEND

Create a basic GIPHY account. Upload 5 GIFS( these do not have to be original) and is applicable for a creator’s account Organize the history page by squandering playlists and lists. Take clues from symbol reports like LEGO GIFs for best rules. Call SEO best patterns for tagging GIFs with keywords to aid in identification and breakthrough.

Outsourcing GIFs and Stickers’ design allowed us to have more searches and ways to support the campaign. When searching for an artist or ideas to help your campaign, don’t skip past the GIPHY Artists Network. GIPHY recognizes its best and brightest makes yearly, most of whom take on custom client work for as little as $100 – $300 per project.

As social stages and audience preferences continue to prioritize video-like formats and psychological resonance, marketers must actively use GIFs as part of the content mix. If GIFs from your manufacture or keywords smells, then make it a priority to create GIFs and stickers that shine.

Or, you can do what I do and borrow Moira Rose as your default person. With 981 GIFs tagged “Moira” by CBC, I am sure there will always be a Moira suitable for all-team emails.


The post The Ultimate Guide to Using GIFs in Marketing loomed first on Content Marketing Consulting and Social Media Strategy.

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