Report: Whitmer Traveled To Visit Biden Ahead Of Upcoming VP Decision

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer( D ), who has long been considered a contender for presumptive Democratic presidential campaigner Joe Biden’s 2020 operating teammate, supposedly traveled to Delaware last weekend to meet with Biden ahead of his upcoming decision.

According to the Associated Press, two “high-ranking Michigan Democrats who spoke on the condition of anonymity” told the news agency of the brief inspect, which happened on Sunday evening. The tour has since been confirmed by NBC News, although the details of the actual tour remain unclear.

Furthermore, AP reports that a chartered flight traveled from Lansing Capital Region International Airport to Delaware Coastal Airport on Sunday evening and returned approximately six hours later, are consistent with flight records.

A spokesperson for Whitmer told AP that her position doesn’t “discuss her personal schedule, ” and the Biden campaign did not provide the news organization with comment.

Whitmer was one of the first potential vice presidential candidates to receive widespread attention, and back in May, she told “Today” that she had engaged in informal talks about the position, as The Daily Wire previously reported.

“I am making a little bit of time to stay connected to the campaign, but the most important thing that I have to do right now is be the governor of my home state, ” said Whitmer. “That’s all that matters to me in this moment.”

But as of recently, Whitmer has not been receiving as strong of notice as other vice presidential candidates, particularly some who have visualize more hum in the last few weeks, such as former National Security Adviser Susan Rice or Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Karen Bass( D-CA ).

Whitmer, who has drawn headlines throughout the coronavirus pandemic , notably rebuked the Republican legislature back in late April by diversifying her own emergency abilities after they refused to do it for her. She then used it to extend her stay-at-home policy.

“Defeating COVID-1 9 is an all sides on deck moment for our commonwealth, and I is to be hoped that Republican in the legislature will stop the partisan tournaments and start working with me to re-engage our economy safely and responsibly, ” she said at the time.

The Democratic governor also recently showed racism in Michigan a public health crisis via an executive order.

“We have a lot of work to do to eradicate the systemic intolerance that black Americans is currently facing for generations, and it’s going to take time. But the most important thing we can do during this time is work closely with governors across the state, in every community, to find the root cause of problems and work to eradicate them, ” said Whitmer.

The online bet marketplace PredictIt currently has Whitmer in third place for receiving the vice presidential slot. Senator Kamala Harris( D-CA) is in first place, and Susan Rice is in second place.

Biden is expected to oblige his final decision in early August.

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