UFC's Mackenzie Dern: My Hype Train's Gonna Steamroll Amanda Cooper, 'Choo Choo!' « $60 奇迹摇钱树

UFC's Mackenzie Dern: My Hype Train's Gonna Steamroll Amanda Cooper, 'Choo Choo!'

发表于 三月 17, 2018 亚伯拉罕·莱克 评论关闭UFC's Mackenzie Dern: My Hype Train's Gonna Steamroll Amanda Cooper, 'Choo Choo!'

[[tmz:video id=”0_fc2amu7j”]] Mackenzie Dern is clappinagain at her subsequent opponent for saying she’s gonnaderail her hype practice” … saying Amanda Cooper does not stand an opportunity once they scrap at UFC 224. “That’s good, I hope she tries to try this!”…



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