*NSYNC Reunion with Justin Timberlake in L.A. Got here Collectively Shortly « $60 奇迹摇钱树

*NSYNC Reunion with Justin Timberlake in L.A. Got here Collectively Shortly

发表于 三月 15, 2024 经过 行政 评论关闭 在 *NSYNC Reunion with Justin Timberlake in L.A. Got here Collectively Shortly

Justin Timberlake performed in L.A. ahead of his new album — and wouldn’t you know it, the *NSYNC guys joined him onstage … something they cooked up in record time.

The singer hit the stage Wednesday at The Wiltern, where JT did a one-night-only show to plug his album “Everything I Thought I Was,” which drops Friday. 当然, the dude wanted to make a splash … and did exactly that by morphing into a boy band again.


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