Jamal Adams Says Jets S-Line Stole Sam Darnold's Wheels, Your Xmas Gifts Sucked!! « $60 奇迹摇钱树

Jamal Adams Says Jets S-Line Stole Sam Darnold's Wheels, Your Xmas Gifts Sucked!!

Posted On Dec 28, 2018 亚伯拉罕·莱克 评论关闭Jamal Adams Says Jets S-Line Stole Sam Darnold's Wheels, Your Xmas Gifts Sucked!!

Sam Darnold learned a brutal rookie lesson Fridayif you don’t take care of your offensive linemanYOU GET YOUR WHEELS JACKED!!!! At least, that’s according to Jamal Adamswho says the Jets QB’s Christmas gifts to his O-Linemen were so


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