Internet advertising classes « $60 奇迹摇钱树

Internet advertising classes

发布于 8 月 29, 2019 经过 行政 评论关闭Internet advertising classes

There is the little graph and. There were dia what do the tabas visitor come from we can see that percent of research from taobao. Or in china elsewhere. In south korea in japan. In hong kong but after after a share is. No one else no one. No nowhere soto bao is only here. In china no one used to have our outside china. And what we can see is everyone used to bow. In china we have more than billion inhabitants channa. So taba represents % of quarter of the world 交通 on commercial platform the bow is very strong. But taba is not the only one. There is other very strong platform rates amazon with percent of 交通 ebay with nine percent. Actually it’s more than this. Because ebay has a lot of other domain like ebay de beber beber. There is a lot of different ebay websites. So issue you have all of them together we will see it’s much more than just % amazon – same here we can see that very same as. In japan but very on shoppers amazon. So you can see that. If you are right now dressed on taobao. And alibaba alibaba you don’t even see it on the numbers alibaba represents % number. If you dad sees %. If you’re just on the taobao. And bye-bye you’re missing you’re missing % of the 交通 % of the 交通. So you should be on foreign platform not just turbo. And alibaba so here were the same graph. But we have added to two main platform who are edward with adwords google adwords. And facebook ads and you see immediately that with adwords the 交通 from adwords google. And facebook ads you top our represent just % after so. If you restate on on the chinese market. And you don’t use the outside solution you are missing your just using % of your of your capabilities. So you are you are losing. And something like percent of your your 交通. So you need to be on all commercial platform. And everywhere that you can be outside don’t stay on the chinese market only it don’t stay on some chinese market only. So we have seen that. If you use foreign platform you will have much more 交通 even. If you stay on chinese platform. But let’s see one other thing the price competition on different chinese platform. And the foreign platform here. For example on taobao. If you search for solar panel watts which is. In chinese here you can see that solar panel system watts you have them the price. Or between thousand ninety rmb to rmb that’s the price depressed all the solar panel. Or between this price be to it’s rmb which is quite low yt. So uh so trips. Because china is a little world factory


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