Flesh on Fire: Addicted to a Dream « $60 奇迹摇钱树

Flesh on Fire: Addicted to a Dream

发表于七月 25, 2019 经过 行政 评论关闭Flesh on Fire: Addicted to a Dream

“Flesh on Fire: Addicted to a Dream” is a feature documentary film that takes the viewer on an intimate roller coaster of pain and joy as actor Donnie Faught climbs his way out of the backwoods of Arkansas to success in the City of Angels. Along this journey, passionate (and volatile) relationships are ignited, but some are agonizingly sacrificed, all for the ultimate dream of making it on the big screen. Faught’s unwavering determination to succeed in an industry that swallows people whole and spits them out broken, is a testament to his burning passion that refuses to be extinguished.


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