COVID-19 | Maximising Your Time in Lockdown « $60 奇迹摇钱树

COVID-19 | Maximising Your Time in Lockdown

Posted On Jul 16, 2020 经过 行政 评论关闭COVID-19 | Maximising Your Time in Lockdown

If someone had told you in 2019 that a world pandemic would change the world in 2020, it may have been hard to believe. 现在, as most of us move into another month of lockdown, there are ways to maximise time, stay participated and prime ourselves for life after COVID-1 9 while stick safe at home.

Upskilling and learning

Establishing positive wonts

Reviewing suppliers

Upskilling and Learning

As companies and beings worldwide wait for an easing of restriction measures, this time is a chance to refresh personal interests and professional skills alike. Time free-spoken up due to the pandemic could be used to take a range of online trends to upgrade skills and gain revelations in areas of interest to your industry that can then be shared company wide.

If you’re looking to advance professionally there are free online resources being offered by 领英, such as auctions courses like “Asking Great Sales Questions or resources to help you navigate working from home. Other great sites to find free upskilling possibilities are The Great Courses Daily( for video lectures ), 要么 Coursera( which pieces courses in everything from prowess to electrical engineering ).

Or if you prefer to learn by listening, Spotify has been extended its podcast library to have something for everyone and an Audible detail allows you to easily buy audiobooks or access original podcasts which is a great way to multitask as it leaves your hands free.

Establishing Positive Habits

Starting a decision with “I wish I had the time but…” may no longer apply to many of us whilst in lockdown so you could lastly have time to implement some positive changes to your routine.

There are a lot free fitness apps available to help support you in establishing a new workout programme such as Runtastic, Asana Rebel, 要么 Fitbod as well as timed workout courses available on YouTube like Pamela Reifs or Ferdinand Fitnessand podcasts such as Couch to 5k that provide a week-by-week guide. Apps for reflection, mindfulness and remaining resilient in times of indecision could also be of benefit now and in the long term. Our top picks include Headspace, Smiling MindInsight Timer.

Don’t forget- apps to fix your life that fragment easier can also save you meter and fund! Check out our roster of 30 great busines apps.

As we all find ourselves with a smaller radius of the world to explore, it’s important to stay connected to beings. Apps like Houseparty, WhatsApp or even Facebook Messenger let you video order family members or friends so you can stay social from dwelling. Or you could even get involved in some of the many online incidents such as live streamed concerts by famous musicians, online pub quizzes or watch gatherings like the one hosted by comedian Alison Spittle who made a hashtag #CovideoParty on Twitter so that people could chit-chat as they watched the same cinemas. Or, consider even hosting your own watch party with your best friend via the Netflix Party increase.

Reviewing Your Service Providers

Everyone has “rainy-day jobs”, 要么, as what our squad likes to call “life admin”, these are the tasks that even the most independent of adults it is necessary do but often don’t get around to!

Tasks such as reviewing your health or car coverage proposals or checking although there are cheaper providers for internet and electricity may not be arousing to complete in the short term but can pay dividends in the long run.

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Download CurrencyFair’s app( iOS, Android) or sign up on our 网站 to start saving on your coin deliveries.

Should you have any questions about how we can help you save money when you’re exchanging currencies, really get in touch with support @currencyfair. com and a member of our team will be happy to help.

In the meantime, stay safe and here’s to a productive lockdown.

The post COVID-1 9 | Maximising Your Time in Lockdown materialized first on CurrencyFair.

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