50 Cent Savagely Roasts Mayweather Over Gucci Shopping Spree « $60 奇迹摇钱树

50 Cent Savagely Roasts Mayweather Over Gucci Shopping Spree

Posted On Feb 13, 2019 经过 行政 评论关闭 在 50 Cent Savagely Roasts Mayweather Over Gucci Shopping Spree

50 Cent

Savagely Roasts Mayweather

Over Gucci Shopping Spree

2/13/2019 4:07 PM PST

Breaking News

boxer50 Cent is going scorched Earth on Floyd Mayweather — repeatedly blasting the boxer for undermining the Gucci blackface boycott … and it’s getting personal.

当然, Mayweather publicly flouted the boycott and dropped thousands of dollars at Gucci on Monday night … despite calls from stars like T.I.Spike Lee to stop supporting the brand.

They’re upset over a Gucci sweater that depicts blackface — with T.I. calling the clothing item straight “racist.”

RememberMayweather told TMZ Sports he refuses to let other people tell him how to live — and blew off the boycott as irrelevant to him.

The move pissed off 50 Cent … who’s been lambasting Mayweather on social media non-stop — telling the boxer he’s been “saying all the wrong sh*t” … and urging him to get a publicist.

He also posted a meme of Floyd in the blackface sweater.

50 seems to be putting his money where his mouth is — he posted a video burning a Gucci shirt and says he’s donating all of his Gucci to the homeless because he won’t wear the brand anymore.

记, 50 and Floyd used to be friends … then enemies … then friends again … and now back to enemies.


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