web optimization + Marketing Strategy Recommendation – Tricycle Creative | Juan Garcia, DISCO « $60 奇蹟搖錢樹

web optimization + Marketing Strategy Recommendation – Tricycle Creative | Juan Garcia, DISCO

發表於五月 29, 2020 經過 行政 評論關閉web optimization + Marketing Strategy Recommendation – Tricycle Creative | Juan Garcia, DISCO

Juan Garcia of DISCO was looking for an agency to help his client Watt Watchers establish a marketing strategy, identify content opportunities, and provide SEO services to increase traffic to their website. In just three months, Tricycle Creative was able to:

-Design a comprehensive marketing + content strategy
-Increase Organic traffic 通過 1,378.69%
-Increase Organic new users 1,709.29%
-Create 3 Featured Snippets from Google
-#1 ranking for “energy education texas” keyword phrase


Tricycle Creative is a Content + Digital Marketing Agency based in Austin, TX that helps businesses of all sizes be better Marketers. We do this by providing Marketing Workshops, Consulting, Content Coaching, and Creative Services (blog writing, video + photo, branding + logo, graphics, and social media).

So if there’s something about your Marketing you want to improve, or don’t understand, let’s schedule a free consultation and we’ll develop a learning plan and strategy.

**Are you a entrepreneur needing help with your Marketing? Contact Tricycle Creative!**
EMAIL: hello @ tricycle-creative.com
WEB: https://tricycle-creative.com
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/hellotricycle/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/hellotricycle/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/hellotricycle/


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