Kesha Modifications 'Tik Tok' Lyrics at Coaches, 'F*** P. Diddy'

發表於四月 14, 2024 經過 行政 評論關閉Kesha Modifications 'Tik Tok' Lyrics at Coaches, 'F*** P. Diddy'

Kesha‘s on the crap-on-Diddy train right now amid his legal woes — changing some famous lyrics at Coachella to send a message … namely, I don’t mess with you anymore, Puffy!

The singer appeared as Renee Rapp‘s special guest Sunday during the music festival — and sure enough, she sang her biggest hit ‘Tik Tok’ … which starts out by name-dropping Diddy, but which she switched up in emphatic terms as she took the stage.

Instead of singing, “Wake up in the morning, feeling like P. Diddy” … Kesha sang, “Wake up in the morning like f*** P. Diddy” — and Renee was right there with her to sing it loud too.

They didn’t just say the words, but threw up some middle fingers to drive the point home.

Kesha continued on with the rest of the song like normal, but this appears to have been her first chance to sing her signature track on as big a platform as this — and she certainly made clear how she feels about Diddy and the controversial saga surrounding him right now.


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