Kamala Harris Is aware of Her Snigger Will get Mocked, Referred to as 'Momala' by Drew Barrymore « $60 奇蹟搖錢樹

Kamala Harris Is aware of Her Snigger Will get Mocked, Referred to as 'Momala' by Drew Barrymore

發表於四月 30, 2024 亞伯拉罕·萊克 評論關閉Kamala Harris Is aware of Her Snigger Will get Mocked, Referred to as 'Momala' by Drew Barrymore

Kamala Harris sat down with Drew Barrymore to stump for Joe Bidenand there were some interesting takeawaysincluding how she laughs, and a new nickname. The Veep appeared onThe Drew Barrymore ShowMonday to talk shop on politics and lots


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