Internet Marketing Metrics Track Referrers « $60 奇蹟搖錢樹

Internet Marketing Metrics Track Referrers

發表於五月 25, 2020 經過 行政 評論關閉Internet Marketing Metrics Track Referrers

Internet Marketing Metrics Chapter 4:

Track Referrers:

Not all of the data you’ll find in your Analytics or WordPress dashboards is going to be quantitative – some of it will be qualitative, meaning that it doesn’t show numbers but rather details.

And the most important of that qualitative data is the referrer.

Your referrer section shows you where your traffic is coming from. Are more of your visits coming from Google for instance? Or are they coming from your Facebook page?

This is very important for countless reasons.

For starters, this lets you see which of your marketing efforts are paying off and which money is well spent – which is something that looking at your profits can’t necessarily tell you.

If you spend money on an SEO service for example and your profits don’t go up, you might be tempted to think the company isn’t doing its job.

But if you look closer and realize that your referrers from Google have gone up massively, then that might tell you that the problem isn’t with the SEO company but with your bounce rates, or your product.

同樣地, you can look at your referrers as a way to see what kind of person is coming to your site.

If you have a product aimed at martial artists and all your traffic is coming from a martial arts forum then this tells you a few things.

A) That forum is a good source for future links.

b) you should look into getting more links from similar sites.

c) you might want to consider making a product for martial artists.

Pay careful attention to your referrers so that you can improve all the other metric and so that you can spot anomalies that could upset your data!

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