Dashboard part on LinkedIn – LinkedIn tip #A « $60 奇蹟搖錢樹

Dashboard part on LinkedIn – LinkedIn tip #A

發表於五月 24, 2020 經過 行政 評論關閉Dashboard part on LinkedIn – LinkedIn tip #A

Do you get tangible results using LinkedIn?

My name is Janja (pronounced Yanya), and I’m a digital marketer.

I help companies and brands develop internet marketing strategies, increase their customer bases and build their own online brand identities. Besides that, I hold training sessions and workshops, the LinkedIn course being among the most popular ones.

After more than five hundred people went through my LinkedIn course, I’ve decided to create LinkedIn eBook.

It is intended for anyone who wants to unleash the full potential of this network, get more clients, find a new job, build both their personal and a professional brand, and finally use this network to advance their career.

You can find it here https://ebook.janjajovanovic.com/
My LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janjajovanovic/


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