18 Jobs We Discovered Out Are Not Actually as Enjoyable as They Appear « $60 Iseyanu Owo Ẹlẹda

18 Jobs We Discovered Out Are Not Actually as Enjoyable as They Appear

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Movies, TV shows, or social media love to glamorize certain jobs, focusing on the thrill while downplaying the mundane aspects. Sometimes, people even spend precious time and money pursuing careers that they think are going to be a blast. Nítorí, when people dive into professions with unrealistic expectations and then reality hits, it’s a big letdown. Here are some professions that, from personal accounts of people in these fields, we have come to find are really not all they are cracked up to be!

Forensic Scientist

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Image Credit: Mongkolchon Akesin/Shutterstock.

Being a forensic scientist isn’t always the thrilling CSI drama you might imagine. Instead of heart-pounding crime scene action, a big chunk involves repetitive lab work and writing reports. Fieldwork is there, but it’s a smaller piece of the puzzle. In reality, dealing with real-world crimes, violence, and trauma can be mentally and emotionally draining. And the pressure of contributing to legal outcomes adds an extra layer of stress.

Professional Photographer

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Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Photography goes beyond smiles and magic. Karen-type clients can set high standards, asking for free edits and reshoots. Plus, the pressure to please and avoid conflict is emotionally taxing. Some clients undervalue photographers, expecting low prices or free services for referrals, disrespecting their time and expertise. These bad experiences often lead many back to photography as a hobby, and who can blame them?

Park Ranger

National Parks Junior Ranger Program
Image Credit: National Park Service.

Park Ranger dreams might seem wild, but Reddit spills the beans. Instead of idyllic animal encounters, the job may involve wrestling with overflowing toilets and shoveling septic tanks. Not to mention the added risks of dealing with aggressive wildlife, venomous creatures, and invasive species. The pay is not great either. Entry-level rangers often face low wages, endless hours, and heavy workloads, leaving them stretched thin.

Closed Captioning

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Image Credit: Pressmaster/Shutterstock.

Forget lounging on the couch, munching popcorn, and getting paid to watch TV! Closed captioning can be the opposite of relaxing with a good show. In reality, you’re stuck transcribing audio into captions for hours on end. And captioning software isn’t always your best friend. Imagine it autocorrectingShakespearetosheep herder.It’s a constant battle of wits and workarounds, enough to make you want to throw your keyboard like a frisbee.

Working in a Flower Shop

Image Credit: UfaBizPhoto/Shutterstock.

Sure, you get to play with pretty petals all day, but let’s be real, it’s like any retail job with a bouquet of extra drama. One minute, you’re crafting a gorgeous arrangement for a blushing bride; the next, you’re helping a sniffling family pick lilies for their grandma’s grave. The physical toll is no joke, with heavy lifting, constant water exposure, and chilly temperatures causing muscle fatigue, dry hands, and potential musculoskeletal issues.

Marine Biologist

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Image Credit: AYA Images/Shutterstock.

Being a marine biologist may sound like an underwater adventure, but the reality is much less glamorous. Instead of swimming with whales, you might find yourself cleaning bathrooms aboard research vessels. Plus, it’s mostly paperwork, so it’s no picnic at the beach.

Video Game Tester

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Image Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.

You’re not diving into fully-fledged games; it’s more like hitting replay on the same level, hunting for technical bugs. Sometimes, it’s like the real game, but it’s extremely tedious most days. Don’t expect to test the next epic blockbuster, either. You’re more likely to be knee-deep in My Little Pony: Rainbow Sparkle’s Pony Palace than anything remotely mature. And you’ll have to play it for 8–10 hours a day, every day.

Preschool Teacher

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Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock.

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything for teachers. Playing with kids all day may sound like a blast, but have you ever tried social distancing three-year-olds? One minute, they’re building a block tower; the next, they’re clinging to your leg like a koala bear. It’s a constant game of peek-a-boo and gentle reminders, all while keeping a smile plastered on your face (even if it’s hidden behind a mask!). Now, every activity comes with a side of sudsy sing-along-to-the-handwashing ABCs.

Working at Build-A-Bear

Image Credit: visitfrisco.com

Behind the scenes at Build-A-Bear, it’s not all fluffy bears and happy children. Reddit users share that the strict rules for stuffing and dressing bears can make the job feel dull and less creative than expected. Dealing with disappointed kids can also take a toll on the supposed fun vibe. The real kicker is the pricey add-ons and accessories that often lead to parent-child clashes, with employees caught in the middle, getting blamed for high prices they can’t control.


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Image Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.

Being a scientist isn’t all bubbling potions and shouting, “Eureka!” Most scientific research involves rigorous, often monotonous tasks like data collection, analysis, and validation—processed for 600 hours before you can analyze it. Mountains of data, endless spreadsheets, and enough pipetting to make your arm feel like a noodle—that’s the real deal.


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Image Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.

Popular shows like How to Get Away with Murder glamorize law with dramatic cases, courtroom heroics, and quick resolutions. Reddit users highlight the stark contrast with the reality of long delays, tedious paperwork, and juggling multiple cases with shifting priorities. Sure, you get to wield fancy jargon likeobjection!” andmotion to compel,” but don’t forget about the needy clients and endless paperwork. And remember that epic case you were going to crack in a week? Yeah, say hello to three months of paperwork purgatory.

Demolition Workers

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Image Credit: Dmitry Kalinovksy/Shutterstock.

Imagine lifting heavy stuff, swinging sledgehammers, and jackhammering concrete. It sounds cool, but it can tire you out, make your muscles ache, and even lead to lasting injuries. However, it’s not all action—there’s a lot of less-exciting stuff like cleaning up, sorting debris, and dealing with dust and dangerous materials. Plus, the pay can be shaky and change a lot, depending on the weather and how many projects are happening.

Working In Amusement Parks

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Image Credit: eurobanks/Shutterstock.

Lesswoohoo!” and morecheck seatbeltsrepeat.Park operations mean repetitive tasks—rechecking restraints, answering repeated questions, and constant cleanup. Breaks are short, especially during peak hours. Not everyone’s there for fun—dealing with frustrated guests, crying kids, long lines, and complaints requires emotional labor and patience.


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Image Credit: Tutatamafilm/Shutterstock.

Animators spend weeks drawing hundreds of pictures just for a few seconds of animation. Tight deadlines, fierce competition, and financial ups and downs aren’t fun. Plus, projects change, and your fantastic work might get cut. It’s not all bad, though! Animators bring characters to life, tell amazing stories, see their creations move, and make people laugh or cry.


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Image Credit: grafvision/Shutterstock.

As everyone celebrates, bakers are overloaded with work, especially on holidays. The romanticized image of baking contrasts sharply with the demanding schedule, physical strain, and hidden challenges. Despite its rewarding aspects, the reality for many bakers is less glamorous than one might imagine.

Working in a Music Store

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Image Credit: Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock.

Being around cool instruments might sound fun, but it’s less exciting when three people are riffing different songs on the guitar at full volume at the same time. Then there’s the constant fear of customers mishandling instruments. Whether it’s the person confusingplaying well with playing loudor the one who just wants to bang on drums, this job can be a real headache.


Image Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock.

Lifeguarding might sound like Baywatch, but the reality is very different. Forget heroic rescues; it’s often just telling kids to stop messing around. Even at swim schools, the constant vigilance, head-turning, and monotony can be exhausting. Occasionally, you might go from boredom to lightning-fast action, saving a life. But most of the time, they’re minor annoyances.

Working at Barnes & Noble Cafe

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Image Credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock.

Your Barnes & Noble Cafe job isn’t the romantic, bookish experience you’d expect. Despite serving Starbucks coffee, the cafe isn’t an official Starbucks. This leads to constant complaints about not accepting gift/loyalty cards and minor menu differences. Even worse, convincing teenagers more interested in Frappuccinos than books to drop $25 on a loyalty card for book discounts feels like an uphill battle.

Source: Reddit

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