Uncover the Greatest & Worst Harmful Bridges « $60 נס געלט מאַקער

Uncover the Greatest & Worst Harmful Bridges

Posted On Feb 17, 2024 By admin With Comments Off on Uncover the Greatest & Worst Harmful Bridges

Have you ever wondered what are the most highly dangerous bridges in the world? Bridges that challenge our courage and test our limits as we traverse them? From their risky locations to their safety rankings, we’ll explore the most treacherous bridges and uncover the truth behind their reputation. Brace yourself for a journey into the heart of bridge danger!

highly dangerous bridges

Key Takeaways:

  • There are bridges in the world that pose extreme risks to pedestrians and vehicles.
  • Bridge safety rankings and inspection reports provide valuable insights into the dangers they present.
  • Some bridges are notorious for their unstable structures, narrow pathways, and questionable stability.
  • Stepping onto these risky bridges requires careful consideration and an adventurous spirit.
  • Prepare for a thrilling journey through the most dangerous bridges on the planet.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World

The world is home to several highly dangerous bridges that test the courage of even the bravest individuals. From the Hussaini Hanging Bridge in Pakistan to the Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya in India, we will dive into the details of these perilous structures, their statistics, and their rankings in terms of danger.

These dangerous bridges are not for the faint of heart. They challenge our perception of safety and push us to confront our fears. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most treacherous bridges in the world and the risks they pose:

Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan

This infamous bridge, suspended over the Hunza River in northern Pakistan, has earned the reputation of being one of the most dangerous pedestrian bridges in the world. With a questionable stability and numerous gaps on its floor, it’s a truly hair-raising crossing that demands nerves of steel.

Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya, India

Deep in the dense jungles of Meghalaya, India, ancient trees have been trained to form natural bridges, known as the Living Root Bridges. These remarkable structures are formed by guiding and intertwining aerial roots of the Ficus elastica tree, creating a sustainable and durable pathway. While these bridges may seem stable, the constant rainfall in the region makes them incredibly slippery and treacherous for pedestrians.

These are just a few examples of the highly dangerous bridges scattered across the globe. Each bridge presents its own unique challenges and risks. Now, let’s have a closer look at the statistics and rankings of these hazardous structures:

Bridge Location Danger Rating
Hussaini Hanging Bridge Pakistan ?????
Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya India ?????

These rankings are based on various factors such as bridge condition, safety measures, historical incidents, and expert assessments. They provide an indication of the risk associated with crossing these bridges.

As we continue our exploration of the most dangerous bridges in the world, we will uncover more hair-raising stories, delve into the bridge inspection reports, and witness the bravery of those who have dared to cross these perilous structures.

Dangerous Bridges In The World For Pedestrians

While bridges provide convenient crossings for pedestrians, some structures can be highly dangerous due to their unstable nature and narrow pathways. These bridges test the bravery of individuals who dare to traverse them, often offering exhilarating but risky experiences.

The Hanging Bridge of Ghasa, Nepal

The Hanging Bridge of Ghasa in Nepal is a prime example of a dangerous pedestrian bridge. Suspended high above the rushing river, this wobbly suspension bridge may instill fear in even the most fearless adventurers. Despite its questionable stability, locals and visitors continue to utilize this bridge daily, crossing with great caution to navigate their way through the mountainous terrain.

The Monkey Bridges, Vietnam

Monkey Bridges in Vietnam present a unique challenge for pedestrians. These footbridges are constructed using a single bamboo log with minimal support, resulting in swaying and unstable pathways. Walking across requires individuals to bend over, holding tightly to maintain balance. Only those with the utmost courage and determination can successfully negotiate these perilous structures.

The Puente de Ojuela, Mexico

The Puente de Ojuela in Mexico is a suspension bridge renowned for both its scenic views and inherent danger. As pedestrians make their way across, they experience unsettling swaying and creaking, intensifying the adrenaline rush. Caution is crucial when venturing onto this bridge, as the importance of balance and surefootedness becomes apparent.

To give you a visual representation of dangerous pedestrian bridges, take a look at this image:

dangerous pedestrian bridge

Bridge Location Danger Level
Hanging Bridge of Ghasa Nepal High
Monkey Bridges Vietnam Extreme
Puente de Ojuela Mexico Very high

These dangerous pedestrian bridges represent a thrilling test of one’s courage and determination. Walking across them requires a combination of bravery and caution, making it an unforgettable experience for those who dare to face the risks involved.

The Most Dangerous Vehicle Bridges In The World

While vehicle bridges serve as vital transportation links, some of them can be highly dangerous due to various factors such as height, narrowness, and maintenance issues. Traveling across these treacherous bridges requires immense caution and nerves of steel. Let’s explore three of the most perilous vehicle bridges in the world:

Eshima Ohashi Bridge, Japan

The Eshima Ohashi Bridge, located in Japan, is notorious for its steep incline and intimidating appearance. It connects the cities of Matsue and Sakaiminato and spans across Lake Nakaumi. With a gradient of 6.1% on the Shimane Prefecture side, it offers a roller coaster-like experience for drivers. The bridge’s gradient is necessary to allow large ships to pass underneath. The Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a testament to Japan’s engineering prowess, but it remains a nerve-wracking crossing for those with a fear of heights.

Quepos Bridge, Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, the Quepos Bridge is known for its dangerous conditions and limited capacity. The bridge connects the towns of Quepos and Manuel Antonio, serving as a crucial route for tourists and locals alike. However, the bridge’s deteriorating state, lack of maintenance, and insufficient width make it a harrowing crossing. Its narrow lanes leave little room for error, especially when facing oncoming traffic or large vehicles. A constant stream of pedestrians and cyclists also adds to the bridge’s congestion and risk.

Vitim River Bridge, Siberia

The Vitim River Bridge is an aging railway bridge located in Siberia, Russia. With its decaying structure, missing wooden planks, and exposed steel beams, it poses a significant danger to vehicles attempting to cross. The single-track bridge has a width that barely accommodates one car, forcing drivers to proceed with utmost caution. Adding to the peril is the bridge’s remote location, where help may be hours away in case of an accident or breakdown.

These vehicle bridges highlight the importance of safety regulations and regular maintenance to ensure the well-being of all who travel across them. Let’s now delve into the specific details of these highly dangerous vehicle bridges:

Bridge Location Main Risk Factor
Eshima Ohashi Bridge Japan Steep Incline
Quepos Bridge Costa Rica Deteriorating Conditions
Vitim River Bridge Siberia, Russia Decaying Structure

Traveling across these highly dangerous vehicle bridges requires nerves of steel and meticulous care. Drivers must exercise caution at all times to ensure their safety and the safety of others sharing the road.

most dangerous vehicle bridges in the world

More Bridges In The World To Cross For The ‘Danger’ Factor

Apart from the most dangerous bridges mentioned earlier, there are numerous other bridges around the world that offer a thrilling and dangerous experience. These highly dangerous bridges are not for the faint of heart and test the limits of human courage. Let’s explore some of these bridges and the risks they entail.

Trift Suspension Bridge, Switzerland

The Trift Suspension Bridge in Switzerland is one of the world’s most spectacular and dangerous bridges. Situated in the remote alpine region, this bridge spans the Trift Glacier, offering breathtaking views. With a length of 170 meters and a height of 100 meters above the ground, crossing this bridge requires nerves of steel. The swaying motion, coupled with the fierce winds that sweep through the valley, adds to the heart-pounding experience.

Trift Suspension Bridge

Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia

The Langkawi Sky Bridge in Malaysia is an architectural marvel suspended 700 meters above sea level. This pedestrian bridge stretches 125 meters across the Langkawi Island, providing panoramic views of the surrounding rainforest and crystal-clear waters. However, its curved shape and transparent flooring make it a nerve-wracking experience for those afraid of heights. Only the bravest souls can conquer this iconic and highly dangerous bridge.

Capilano Suspension Bridge, Canada

Nestled amidst the stunning forests of British Columbia, Canada, the Capilano Suspension Bridge is a popular tourist attraction. This bridge swings 137 meters across the Capilano River, offering a thrilling experience for visitors. With its narrow wooden planks and swaying motion, crossing this bridge requires a steady footing and a courageous spirit. The lush surroundings and breathtaking natural beauty make it a must-visit for adventure seekers.

These dangerous bridges around the world provide a unique blend of adrenaline rush and natural beauty. From icy glaciers in Switzerland to lush rainforests in Malaysia, each bridge offers its own set of challenges and rewards. Would you dare to cross these highly dangerous bridges?

Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan

The Hussaini Hanging Bridge in Pakistan is notorious for being one of the most dangerous bridges in the world for pedestrians. Spanning across the mesmerizing Hunza River, this bridge is an architectural wonder that strikes fear into the hearts of those brave enough to attempt a crossing. With its unstable structure and numerous gaps on the rickety floorboards, it poses an immense risk to anyone venturing across.

Walking on the Hussaini Hanging Bridge is not for the faint of heart. The bridge swings and sways ominously with the slightest breeze, adding an extra layer of trepidation. Its frail appearance and lack of proper safety measures make it an alarming experience for even the most intrepid individuals.

Despite its daunting reputation, the allure of the Hussaini Hanging Bridge draws in adventurers from around the world. The breathtaking views of the surrounding scenery make it a popular spot for intrepid travelers seeking an adrenaline rush. However, caution must always be exercised, as stepping onto this bridge requires navigating through its precarious gaps and keeping a firm grip on the rusty chains that serve as handrails.

Hussaini Hanging Bridge

In terms of history, the origins of the Hussaini Hanging Bridge trace back to the local village of Hussaini, which relied on it as a vital means of transportation for many years. It is a testament to the engineering skills of the local community, who crafted this awe-inspiring structure using simple materials found in their surroundings.

While the Hussaini Hanging Bridge may be deemed the most dangerous bridge in the world, it is also a symbol of human resilience and ingenuity. It reminds us of the incredible feats humans are capable of, even in the face of extreme challenges.

A Glimpse at the Hussaini Hanging Bridge

Location Hussaini Village, Gojal Valley, Pakistan
Bridge Type Suspension Bridge
Length Approximately 200 meters
Danger Level Extremely High
Unique Feature Unstable structure and significant gaps on the floor

The Hussaini Hanging Bridge is a testament to the courageous spirit of humans as they conquer seemingly insurmountable challenges. It epitomizes the extreme lengths individuals are willing to go to experience the thrill of adventure. However, it should always be approached with utmost caution, as safety should never be compromised for the sake of an adrenaline rush.

Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya, India

The Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya in India are truly remarkable engineering feats, created by the local tribes using ancient tree shaping techniques. These bridges are not only functional but also blend harmoniously with the surrounding natural environment.

Over centuries, the Khasi and Jaintia peoples have carefully guided the roots of Ficus elastica trees to grow across streams and rivers, forming living bridges that can support the weight of humans. These natural structures have the advantage of strength and durability, able to withstand heavy monsoon rains and floods that often submerge conventional bridges.

However, while the Living Root Bridges may appear solid and sturdy, walking across them is a highly perilous endeavor. The surface of the bridges is covered with a thick layer of moss and algae, making them incredibly slippery and treacherous, especially during rainfall or humid weather.

Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya, India

These bridges pose a constant challenge to human balance and agility, requiring individuals to proceed with utmost caution and care. The risk of slipping and falling into the rushing waters below is a constant presence, demanding great concentration and agility from those who dare to cross.

Walking on the Living Root Bridges was an unforgettable experience. It felt like stepping into a magical world where nature and human ingenuity converge. However, the constant fear of losing my footing made every step nerve-wracking.

Visitor testimony

The local communities understand the inherent danger in crossing these bridges and have implemented certain safety measures to minimize risks. Handrails made from bamboo or rattan are added to some sections of the bridge, providing a much-needed support system for pedestrians.

Key Features of Living Root Bridges Risks for Pedestrians
Constructed using living tree roots Slippery surface covered with moss and algae
Blend harmoniously with the natural environment Constant risk of slipping and falling off the bridge
Strength and durability to withstand monsoon rains Requires extreme caution and concentration to cross
Addition of handrails in certain areas Challenging for individuals with mobility issues

Preservation Efforts

The Living Root Bridges are not only culturally significant but also ecologically important, serving as vital corridors for wildlife movement and preserving biodiversity. Recognizing their value, efforts have been made to protect and promote these unique structures.

  • The Meghalaya government, in collaboration with local communities, has initiated conservation programs to ensure the safety and longevity of the bridges.
  • Guidelines have been established to regulate tourism and minimize the impact on the fragile ecosystems surrounding the bridges.
  • Awareness campaigns are conducted to educate visitors about the risks involved and the need to tread lightly on these natural wonders.

The Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya are a testament to human innovation and the power of nature. However, their allure should not overshadow the potential dangers they present for pedestrians. It is crucial to exercise caution and respect as we appreciate the beauty and ingenuity of these living wonders.

Hanging Bridge of Ghasa, Nepal

The Hanging Bridge of Ghasa in Nepal is a highly dangerous pedestrian bridge that spans a long distance and is primarily used for transporting animals. Despite its alarming appearance and unstable structure, this bridge is still heavily relied upon by pedestrians on a daily basis. Crossing this wobbly suspension bridge poses numerous challenges and risks to those daring enough to make the journey.

The Hanging Bridge of Ghasa is located in the remote village of Ghasa, nestled in the breathtakingly beautiful Annapurna region of Nepal. While the surrounding landscape offers stunning views of the Himalayan Mountains, the bridge itself is a harrowing experience for those who dare to cross it.

Constructed with basic materials and traditional techniques, this bridge swings and sways with each step, testing the nerves of even the most fearless individuals. The constant movement, combined with the precarious gaps in the floor, adds an extra layer of danger to the crossing. Yet, despite its evident risks, locals and travelers alike continue to use this bridge out of necessity.

Why do pedestrians continue to brave the perils of the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa? The answer lies in the limited alternatives available in this remote region. The bridge provides a crucial connection between isolated communities, allowing people to access essential services, markets, and educational opportunities.

This highly dangerous pedestrian bridge serves as a lifeline for the people of Ghasa, and until a safer alternative is constructed, it remains their only option. While efforts have been made to raise awareness of the risks associated with crossing the bridge, the lack of resources and infrastructure make it challenging to implement immediate solutions.

The Challenges of Crossing the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa

When crossing the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa, pedestrians face a series of daunting challenges:

  • Fear of the bridge collapsing due to its unstable structure
  • Navigating through the narrow pathway with limited space
  • Managing the constant swaying and swinging motion
  • Bridging the gaps in the floor, which can be treacherous and risky
  • Maintaining balance and stability while crossing

Overcoming these challenges requires utmost caution, concentration, and a strong nerve. Those who successfully navigate the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa can attest to the sense of accomplishment and relief that comes with reaching the other side.

Crossing the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa was one of the most exhilarating and nerve-wracking experiences of my life. The constant sway and gaps in the floor made each step feel like a leap of faith. But the spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and the resilience of the local people made it all worthwhile.” – Adventurer and Traveler

Despite the dangers associated with the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa, it serves as a testament to the resourcefulness and resilience of the local community. As travelers venture across this perilous bridge, they are reminded of the lengths people go to in order to connect with one another and overcome geographical barriers.

Hanging Bridge of Ghasa

U Bein Bridge, Myanmar

The U Bein Bridge in Myanmar is a wooden footbridge that spans across the Taungthaman Lake, near the city of Mandalay. It is considered one of the oldest and longest teakwood bridges in the world, stretching over 1.2 kilometers in length.

U Bein Bridge

This iconic bridge attracts tourists from around the globe who come to witness its beauty and experience its historical significance. However, beneath its serene appearance lies a significant risk for pedestrians.

The U Bein Bridge is showing signs of deterioration, particularly in its teakwood pillars. Over time, exposure to weather conditions and constant use has weakened these pillars, raising concerns about the bridge’s stability.

Crossing the U Bein Bridge can be an unnerving experience, especially for individuals with a fear of heights or those who are not comfortable with swaying structures. The bridge lacks handrails, and the planks can be uneven and slippery, making it difficult to maintain balance.

The Risks of Crossing the U Bein Bridge

1. Structural integrity concerns due to decaying teakwood pillars.

2. Uneven and slippery planks, increasing the risk of slips and falls.

3. Lack of handrails, making it challenging to maintain balance.

4. Swaying motion of the bridge, particularly during periods of high wind.

It is essential for visitors to exercise caution while crossing the U Bein Bridge and take necessary safety measures. Staying alert, wearing appropriate footwear, and avoiding overcrowding are some of the precautions that can significantly reduce the risks associated with this highly dangerous footbridge in Myanmar.

Bridge Name Location Length Main Material
U Bein Bridge Myanmar 1.2 kilometers Teakwood

Despite its risks, the U Bein Bridge remains an architectural marvel and an integral part of Myanmar’s cultural heritage. It serves as a reminder of the country’s rich history and a testament to the enduring craftsmanship of its people.

Monkey Bridges, Vietnam

Vietnam is home to a unique and treacherous type of pedestrian bridge known as Monkey Bridges. These bridges are constructed using a single piece of bamboo log with minimal support, making them highly dangerous footbridges to navigate.

The Monkey Bridges of Vietnam present a thrilling challenge for those who dare to cross them. Individuals must bend over and hold on tightly to maintain balance as they traverse these swaying and unstable structures. One wrong step could result in a dangerous fall into the water below.

These bridges test the limits of a person’s balance, agility, and bravery. Crossing a Monkey Bridge requires a combination of physical skill and mental fortitude.

Let’s delve into the challenges faced by those attempting to cross the Monkey Bridges of Vietnam:

  • The bridgesswaying motion and minimal support make them inherently unstable.
  • Slippery surfaces, especially during rainy seasons, add to the risk of crossing.
  • The bridgesnarrow width and lack of handrails offer little room for error.
  • The fear of vertigo and the potential for heights-induced panic make navigating these bridges even more daunting.
  • The absence of safety precautions and inspections increases the likelihood of accidents.

Despite their inherent dangers, Monkey Bridges remain an integral part of Vietnamese culture and rural life. They serve as crucial links for villagers to access markets, schools, and healthcare facilities.

Visiting tourists seeking an adrenaline rush can also try their hand at crossing these challenging and highly dangerous pedestrian bridges in Vietnam. Just remember to approach them with caution and respect their unstable nature.

Crossing a Monkey Bridge is an exhilarating experience that tests your balance and courage like no other. It’s a true adrenaline rush that stays with you forever.” – Nguyen Van Lam, Tourist

The Monkey Bridge Experience: Nguyen Van Lam’s Story

Nguyen Van Lam, a thrill-seeking adventurer from Ho Chi Minh City, embarked on a journey to conquer the Monkey Bridges of Vietnam. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, he encountered the swaying footbridges in the countryside.

As Nguyen approached the bridge, he hesitated for a moment, taking in the sight before him. The narrow bamboo log stretched across the water, appearing both fascinating and perilous.

He stepped onto the bridge cautiously, feeling its gentle sway beneath his feet. Balancing himself, he held onto the log’s edges tightly, aware of the potential consequences if he lost his grip.

Nguyen’s heart raced as he advanced step by step, focusing intently on maintaining his balance. The vertigo-inducing height and the water rushing below added to the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

After what felt like an eternity, Nguyen finally reached the other side of the bridge. A mixture of relief, triumph, and sheer exhilaration washed over him as he successfully crossed the perilous Monkey Bridge.

This experience left Nguyen with a newfound respect for the Vietnamese villagers who traverse these bridges daily. It also serves as a reminder of the incredible engineering feats achieved with minimal resources and ingenuity.

Monkey Bridge in Vietnam

Monkey Bridges, Vietnam Dangers Challenges Significance
Swaying and unstable bridges Risk of falling into the water below Requires bending over and holding on tightly An integral part of Vietnamese culture and rural life
Slippery surfaces during rainy seasons Minimal support and narrow width Testing balance, agility, and bravery Crucial links for villagers to access essential facilities
Lack of handrails and safety precautions Increased likelihood of accidents Fear of vertigo and heights-induced panic Thrilling challenge for adventure-seeking tourists

Puente de Ojuela, Mexico

The Puente de Ojuela in Mexico is a highly dangerous suspension bridge that spans a deep canyon, offering awe-inspiring views of the surrounding desert landscape. However, crossing this bridge is not for the faint of heart. The bridge’s swaying and creaking add to the thrill, but also serve as a constant reminder of the risk involved.

Walking across the Puente de Ojuela is a unique experience that requires caution and bravery. As you step onto the bridge, you can feel it move beneath your feet, as if testing your nerves. The breathtaking scenery around you contrasts with the adrenaline pumping through your veins.

The Puente de Ojuela is a marvel of engineering, but it’s definitely not for the faint of heart. The swaying and creaking of the bridge make every step feel like an adventure. It’s an experience I’ll never forget!”Juan Martinez, Adventurer

Despite its inherent danger, the Puente de Ojuela attracts thrill-seekers and adventure enthusiasts from around the world. Crossing this treacherous bridge is an adrenaline rush that pushes the limits of human courage.

Precautions for Crossing the Puente de Ojuela

While walking across the Puente de Ojuela can be an exhilarating experience, it is crucial to take certain precautions to ensure your safety:

  • Wear sturdy footwear with good traction to avoid slipping.
  • Hold onto the handrails firmly and maintain a steady pace.
  • Stay alert and be mindful of others crossing the bridge.
  • Avoid crossing the bridge during inclement weather or strong winds.
  • Follow any instructions or safety guidelines provided by local authorities.

Puente de Ojuela

By taking these precautions, you can safely experience the thrill of crossing the Puente de Ojuela and marvel at its engineering marvel while enjoying the breathtaking views of the canyon below.


Highly dangerous bridges are scattered across the globe, offering an exhilarating and perilous experience for those brave souls who dare to cross them. From pedestrian bridges like the infamous Hussaini Hanging Bridge in Pakistan to vehicle bridges like the heart-racing Eshima Ohashi Bridge in Japan, these structures push the boundaries of human courage and engineering prowess. While they undoubtedly possess breathtaking charm, traversing these bridges demands careful consideration of the inherent risks involved.

Whether it’s stepping onto the swaying planks of the Hussaini Hanging Bridge or navigating the dizzying heights of the Eshima Ohashi Bridge, each journey entails an adrenaline-filled adventure that few dare to embark upon. These bridges serve as true testaments to human ingenuity and the audacity to conquer the limits of possibility. However, caution must prevail, as the allure of great danger can never outweigh the importance of personal safety.

As we explore the dangerous bridges worldwide, we bear witness to the sheer audacity of those who constructed them and marvel at the resilience of those who traverse them. The highly dangerous pedestrian and vehicle bridges serve as a constant reminder of the indomitable spirit of human exploration and the inherent human desire to conquer the impossible. אזוי, the next time you find yourself near one of these thrill-inducing structures, take a moment to appreciate their magnificence, but above all, prioritize your well-being and safety.


What are some of the most dangerous bridges in the world?

Some of the most dangerous bridges in the world include the Hussaini Hanging Bridge in Pakistan, the Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya in India, the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa in Nepal, the U Bein Bridge in Myanmar, the Monkey Bridges in Vietnam, and the Puente de Ojuela in Mexico.

Where are these dangerous bridges located?

The Hussaini Hanging Bridge is located in Pakistan, the Living Root Bridges are found in Meghalaya, India, the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa is in Nepal, the U Bein Bridge is situated in Myanmar, the Monkey Bridges are found in Vietnam, and the Puente de Ojuela is located in Mexico.

How are these dangerous bridges ranked in terms of safety?

These dangerous bridges are ranked based on their safety inspections, structural stability, and potential risks. Although specific rankings may vary, they are widely known for their highly dangerous nature.

Are there any statistics available on these dangerous bridges?

Yes, statistics are available on these dangerous bridges in terms of accidents, fatalities, and the frequency of maintenance and repairs. These statistics further highlight their dangerous nature.

What should I consider before crossing a dangerous bridge?

Before crossing a dangerous bridge, it is important to consider its stability, maintenance history, and any necessary precautions. It is advisable to take into account personal comfort, physical condition, and the potential risks involved.

Are there any famous dangerous bridges in Asia?

Yes, there are several famous dangerous bridges in Asia, including the Hussaini Hanging Bridge in Pakistan, the Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya in India, the Hanging Bridge of Ghasa in Nepal, and the U Bein Bridge in Myanmar.

What makes these bridges dangerous for pedestrians?

These bridges are considered dangerous for pedestrians due to factors such as unstable structures, narrow pathways, slippery surfaces, and lack of safety measures. They require caution, courage, and a willingness to endure the associated risks.

The post Discover the Best & Worst Dangerous Bridges appeared first on Zac Johnson.

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