The Blunders of Fame: 15 Stars and Their Mishandled Scandals

Posted On Feb 16, 2024 Qua quản trị viên Với Tắt bình luận TRÊN The Blunders of Fame: 15 Stars and Their Mishandled Scandals

Step into the world of glitz and drama as we unveil notable celebrities who found themselves entangled in scandalous situations and then handled them poorly. Trust me, there’s no shortage.

1. Kevin Spacey

Billionaire Boys Club (2018)
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Vertical Entertainment.

Amidst a flurry of sexual misconduct allegations, actor Kevin Spacey opted for a controversial diversion. TRONG 2017, he announced his homosexuality, a move widely criticized as an attempt to deflect from the grave allegations he faced. Critics deemed the timing tasteless, accusing Spacey of misusing his sexuality to sidestep accountability.

2. Rebekah Vardy

Rebekah Vardy
Tín dụng hình ảnh: ITV Studios.

In the widely covered scandal between Rebekah Vardy and Coleen Rooney, Vardy was accused of leaking personal stories about Rooney to the media. The scandal, often called theWagatha Christiescandal, took social media by storm as both sides defended their positions. The public argued that Vardy mishandled the situation by responding publicly on social media, which some viewed as an imprudent move that prolonged the feud and exacerbated the media frenzy surrounding the story.

3. Amber Heard

One More Time, Amber Heard
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Starz Digital.

Amid a highly publicized legal clash with Johnny Depp, Amber Heard’s portrayal as a battered woman was viewed as disingenuous by the end of the trial. Revelations emerged of alleged abuse by both parties, shedding light on the fact that she initiated abuse against Depp on more than a few occasions. The case exposed complexities in their relationship, but many people in the public felt that she tried to take advantage of people’s sympathy without owning up to the part she played.

4. Jonathan Majors

Jonathan Majors , When We Rise
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Jonathan Majors / ABC.

One of the newest actors taking Hollywood by storm has recently come under fire amid a domestic violence allegation. Jonathan Majors released text messages purportedly from his accuser, Grace Jabbari, to exonerate himself.

Tuy nhiên, these messages were met with skepticism and backlash. The messages read as if the abuse did occur and that the alleged victim was trying to cover for Jonathan Majors after the fact. In response to this scandal and a handful of other legal charges, Majors was dropped from his role as Kang the Conqueror in the MCU.

5. Colleen Ballinger

Colleen Ballinger
Tín dụng hình ảnh: E!

Colleen Ballinger’s YouTube stardom faced a severe blow when allegations of inappropriate behavior with underage fans surfaced, causing damage to her reputation. What compounded the issue was her continuous mishandling of the scandal. From sending lingerie to a minor to allegations of grooming, her actions were reckless and tone-deaf at best. This pattern of poor decision-making not only impacted her career but also left fans disheartened as the stories continued to unravel.

Ballinger followed up these accusations with a cringy apology video where she played a ukulele and half sang, half spoke her defenses.

6. Kristen Stewart

Tín dụng hình ảnh: Summit Entertainment.

Kristen Stewart’s affair with director Rupert Sanders during her relationship with Robert Pattinson was quite the scandal. She was put on the hot seat for how she carelessly responded. Onlookers found her public apology to Pattinson insincere and her reluctance to discuss her personal life dismissive. Her initial response was perceived as unapologetic and distant, leading to widespread disappointment in her handling of the affair.

7. Prince Andrew

Prince Andrew
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Shutterstock.

Prince Andrew’s scandal centered around his connections with Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sexual offender. Fans argue that he worsened the situation by giving a disastrous TV interview in 2019. His apparent lack of remorse, inconsistencies in his statements, and failure to empathize with Epstein’s victims led to universal condemnation, tarnishing both his reputation and the royal family’s image.

8. Jussie Smollett

Jussie Smollett
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Tinseltown/Shutterstock.

Jussie Smollett faced a scandal in 2019 when he claimed to be the victim of a hate crime, alleging he was attacked due to his race and sexuality. Smollett supposedly set the whole ordeal up, indelibly trashing his career. The subsequent legal proceedings and charges for filing a false police report led to public outrage and accusations of damaging the credibility of genuine hate crime victims. Despite the evidence, Smollett still contends that he did not lie.

9. Harry and Meghan

prince harry SS MSN
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Shutterstock.

Harry and Meghan became embroiled in a scandal after they decided to step back from their roles as senior members of the British royal family in 2020. Their stepping away wasn’t necessarily the issue, but not thoroughly coordinating their announcement with other family members and airing their grievances publicly became a big deal. This led to a media frenzy and debates about their responsibilities and commitments to the monarchy, causing a divide between supporters and critics.

10. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan
Tín dụng hình ảnh: 20th Century Fox.

Lindsay Lohan faced a series of problems, including legal troubles, rehab stints, and erratic behavior. She refused to seek consistent help and continued to make headlines for all the wrong reasons. Her inability to receive proper help led to a decline in her career and public image, overshadowing her once-promising acting talent with a narrative of personal struggles and controversies.

Since then, Lohan seems to have turned over a new leaf, even welcoming a son with her husband, Bader Shammas.

11. Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Tinseltown/Shutterstock.

Ariana Grande faced backlash for her “7 Ringsmusic video, accused of appropriating black culture and race-swapping by adopting certain aesthetics. She handled the situation poorly by not addressing concerns promptly. The controversy highlighted broader discussions about cultural appropriation and sensitivity, leading to debates on social media about the responsibilities of artists and their impact on diverse communities.

12. Will Smith

Will Smith
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Shutterstock.

This blunder occurred on one of the biggest stages in the world and on one of the biggest nights for a beloved Hollywood superstar. After Chris Rock cracked jokes about his wife, Jada Smith, Will took to the stage to slap Chris Rock in front of the world. While his fans would advocate for his actions, many detractors disapproved of his impulsivity, empathizing with Rock and his apparent humiliation.

This situation led to Will Smith being banned from the Oscars for ten years, holding up many of his projects. He eventually apologized, but the public thought it looked like a forced hostage video that wasn’t sincere.

13. Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson: Beat It
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Epic.

Michael Jackson dangled his baby off a balcony in 2002, leaving the world in an uproar. He was holding his infant son, Prince Michael II (also known asBlanket”), outside a hotel room in Berlin. The act was widely criticized as reckless and dangerous, as it put his then-infant in harm’s way needlessly. By placing his child in such a precarious position, many people railed against Jackson. He initially claimed he meant no harm and was excited to show fans his new baby. Tuy nhiên, afterward, he apologized and said he realized he made a huge mistake.

14. Ja Morant

Ja Morant
Tín dụng hình ảnh: REBOUND /

TRONG 2022, Ja Morant was suspended for a short period from the NBA because he brandished a gun at a nightclub, as captured on video. Mr. Morant then decided that it would be wise to wave another gun on Instagram Live six months later and receive a much lengthier suspension this go round.

He eventually spoke up after the second incident and claimed it was a toy gun in the video, not a real one. Aside from the fact that not one person believed it was fake, Morant had no reason why a grown man would be riding around with a toy gun, let alone flashing it on camera. Come on, Ja, do better.

15. Britney Spears

Britney Spears
Tín dụng hình ảnh: Dooley Productions /

Britney Spears faced a highly publicized conservatorship battle, sparking concerns about her autonomy and well-being. People argued that the conservatorship was too restrictive. The #FreeBritney movement gained momentum, with supporters advocating for her rights.

Allegations of financial control and personal decisions being made for her raised questions about the singer’s agency and the legal system’s role in her life. Britney’s mental status would eventually come into question, as she made a series of bizarre videos after her conservatorship was dissolved that indicated that she might not be mentally stable enough to handle her affairs after all.

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