Conversion Funnels, Landing Pages, and Internet Marketing Sleaze « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Conversion Funnels, Landing Pages, and Internet Marketing Sleaze

Posted On Aug 2, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on Conversion Funnels, Landing Pages, and Internet Marketing Sleaze

Episode 89: Conversion funnels, landing pages and internet marketing sleaze

Today we discuss all about click funnels and landing pages for your website… are they the right choice?

I think click funnels and landing pages are great and can be super effective….


I would never focus on those things as a priority.

These tools reduce people to numbers. If they are your priority then you aren’t marketing in a human way – everything becomes data-based.

Start with the fundamentals: quality product, good service, know and connect with your audience, and care about people and community. If you layer marketing tactics on top of that you will perform well. Whereas if you prioritize marketing tactics first you are the epitome of internet marketing sleaze.



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