CheckDuck Review « $60 معجزہ پیسہ بنانے والا

CheckDuck Review

Posted On Mar 14, 2020 By admin With Comments Off on CheckDuck Review

CheckDuck Review

تو, today, I have another great client on, which is Mr. Praneet Thakur, who owns a great tool called CheckDuck. I’m sure he does much more and has a lot more knowledge to him, but for today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about CheckDuck. So welcome to the show, Praneet, and thank you very much for coming on.

Just to give a bit of background on you, Praneet, you’re a chap that’s very into PBNs, you’re previously about PBN’s and your system of websites and everything like that over the years, haven’t you?

Yeah, so, I’m basically into PBNs and expired subjects only. So when I got a blog, which is, where I share about private blog network and expired domains with the community who don’t know how these things wreak, because there are many people who are coming daily to SEO, and they wanted to know. تو, a lot of things come up into my imagination, so I contemplated, why not start a blog where I share all this knowledge to the community?

Good, so for anyone watching, because I get this all the time, I desire PBNs and expired domain names. People ever say,” Ah, that shit doesn’t work anymore, Google will got to get, and all of that kind of stuff. In your opinion, do PBNs still manipulate very well?

Do PBNS still operate?

تو, in your opinion, do private blog networks still run? Are they still effective in 2020? Just, I desire PBNs. I enjoy expired domain names. I time want to hear your take on it. Are they still working very well for you guys?

Ah, so PBN( private blog structure) is still effective because private blog network is the same as a simple blog. You are taking a contextual` attach from a blog, and nothing else. But it is owned by you and nothing else. But you have to hide that you own this blog. So until the contextual link is effective, at that time, the primary blog network is effective.

And why does Google say primary blog system can give you a penalty? Because it’s against Google doc and a good deal, a lot, but even Google can’t spy primary blog network if it is created perfectly. So Google tells that PBN can give you a penalty, and scaped PBN.

PBN still labours, even in 2020 or even in 2024 it would still work.

Yeah, and I just wanted to double-check that they still work very well, in your opinion. I still use expired domain names, PBNs as part of my strategy, but we’ll go on to the more important side of things, which is your tool. Obviously, when we are building expired domain names or ogling about PBNs, we’ve got to try and find good domain names. And obviously that can be a laborious undertaking, get manually to auctions to check out the metrics and all the other kind of random checks that you might want to acquire, which is, I’m assuming, why you’ve made CheckDuck. You’ve induce that job easier, it attracts all the data into one dashboard, and you’re able to explore the expiring domain names from one dashboard, check the metrics, check the Wayback machine, check a whole bunch of other stuff.

Overview of CheckDuck

So if you would be kind enough, Praneet, if you could share your screen, just so we can see the dashboard of your tool, and then if you could potentially merely talk us through some of their roles and boasts that are on there that are key to finding the best-expired domain names.

Yeah, I can be demonstrated you. So let me share a screen for you. Share a screen? Let me share it. Uh, shit, sorry I’m not sharing my screen.

There we go.

This is the dashboard of CheckDuck. CheckDuck is an expired province analysis tool. So basically, you can add any expired land into Domain Explorer, and you can check out the metrics. تو, if you saw an expired arena, you can add into this and enter the domain, and when you touch submit it would take, analyze and would tell you all the details. There is a bulk domain explorer if you’re chase more than one domain, mostly, you would hunt more than one discipline. It would be more than penetrated simply, so that is Domain Explorer where you can add domains in bulk and it would analyze all the domains one-by-one. And that is a Domain History tab. It would tell all the domains analyzed by you, in which you can check later on that I have analyzed the domains and what are the metrics of that arena and everything.

And here are some bonus implements. We’ll be adding some implements daily. So here is a bulk domain availability tool, which you can check out. Let me computed some regions;, and You can click onrefer subjectand, let me test. It seems there is an error for this bulk domain availability checker. Right now, I guess, give me a second, right now my developer is updating the domain accessibility checker.

There, it’s coming. Until that you can see the Google Index checker and WhoIs checker, where you can get to know about who is the developer of any land and this Domain from URL Bulk. تو, what does this tool establish? You can add any slash post name. You can add max 2,000, and it would give you the domain name. If you demand domain names from Ahrefs or any other tools, you can just tell it to the domain and imitation the list, and you can instantly included it immediately to the Bulk Domain Explorer, and you can hunt.

تو, let me included some regions, some expired realms which I have bought recently. This is one of the domains. Let me sought for it. So this would analyze the whole region, and it would take a couple of seconds to analyze, vary the Wayback data. It will call on all the Wayback data and give you a metric clean score, and according to the principle of relates and other fasten text and everything, there would be a metric value and a Domain Score, which you can see here. And there is the metrics, which is Links Score. We have to click these metrics. And you can get each and every detail about the domain, like first Wayback data, last Wayback data, total snapshot, and so there is, you have to check Wayback whenever you find an expired subject. Using CheckDuck you don’t have to check, because if the clean-living rating is above four, you don’t have to check.

تو, above four, really to confirm, is good? Is clean-living?

Yeah, if they don’t, clean-living rating is above four, then you can any time with this, go with that domain.

You can check if a 301 Redirect has been used before

تو, available data registered because I have registered this orbit. And this Google Index yes, it’s indexed in Google. And this is a very good feature, 301 Data Found unknown. So basically we just scroll the Wayback and get data that it has been 301 data detected or not. تو…

Can I ask a question on the 301 redirects?

Yeah, you can.

Is that rubbing the Wayback machine to see if there’s ever been a 301 redirect? Or is that exactly the current state?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s on the Wayback data, the Wayback data, that’s everything that we call every snapshot, so we get to know about 301 data direction for that domain.

Yeah, so we can easily identify this 301 or not, Domain Age five years, Domain Drop Count, SGTPS, so which etiquette should you wish for this orbit SGTPS and domain redirection. Getting back to domain status, you should always go for a domain which is clean orchestrated four and above, tie-up orchestrate 1.5 and above, and domain score which is 1.3 and above.

And you should always go for a domain which is less than 50% spam orchestrate. Basically you have to check referring domains and total backlink composition. It should be something which examines real and not a spam, just like if you caught with arena 200 and getting back in 100 k it is surely spam. You can just see the numbers, and you can identify if it’s spam or not. And after that, you need to check the DoFollow, NoFollow ratio. Do follow that is 91%, and you need to check. After that we too say which word it was in and in the Wayback, to which domain does the Wayback link.

Finding the top pages on the wayback machine

After that, we can go to Show Top Pages. It would analyze and tell us all the surface sheets of the domains, which the links are made, and you can see the short-lived fix verse. It would tell all the anchor text and relevant. Last-minute on that you can go to Show Back Links and check out the backlinks, match, mashable, medium, bpplans, and if we want to get a more wider thought we can go show domain score, spam compose, back associates, how much backlinks that land is giving to you, the other details. And you can check each and every domain. This will become so helpful for you when it comes to expired domain analysis. This tool opens all the details in one dashboard, and it sacrifices more data compact to other implements who the hell is opponents which are in the market.

Yeah, and any other questions which you feel like answering?

Well, I relatively like the fact that it’s scraping the Wayback data. It’s quite important that I know a domain name’s not had a few one redirects, so I think that’s quite important. And I speculate being able to check some kind of formal spam orchestrate, clean-living values and substance like that helps that decision. One question that we’re always expected when we’re doing PBNs or looking at the Wayback machine, is how do you reinstate a website from the Wayback machine? I believe you’re fetching out some sort of implement of service that allows you to be able to quickly push a website from there onto a domain name, yeah?

Yeah, yeah. تو, basically, right now what we do is we just download the estimate version of the site and then edit it and upload it. But every time uploading the estimate with the site is imperfect, so basically we just churn it out into Word first. We just go and check the top sheets, and we check on which permalink the links are made.

We realized that same permalink, and if it’s not the home page it’s some inner sheets. We impelled the sheets our sheet. We moved them to our page and join that sheet to the money site. We use that page as the dominance page to pass on the link juice to the money site. And after that, what the hell is do, we get some content from Wayback machine, Wayback machine expired content, from the Wayback machine, and after that we port that expired content and set up everything. We create about us, contact us and about that page we add a photograph, we would use fakenamegenerator dot com, supplemented some datas like address and everything, and all the other details of a site to which you can pass citation that it belongs to some real being and we’re willing to get some personas. Not a famous person but non-famous person portraits and we just add it to the auto-bio, and it was like that the blog is owned by someone else

So you don’t have to go for any other thing, and after that what we are thinking to do is add another tool, a bonus implement for our users, that would be a premium deployer, in which we’re going to download Wayback data into our own server and from that only you can export it to any hosting corporation or any hosting or PBN hosting rider, and that will be some manoeuvres like you can add them exclusively or you can insert your main money blog url and some text can be added to the home page or any other of the influence pages, which are connected, and you can at the same time to move all the unpowered provinces which that Wayback data and autonomous Wayback data and all you want to keep on lands, which will be alive. You can save that alive. And then export, so it all depends upon you. That would be the bonus implement which will be added, so then expect that. So it’s become a lot easier for expired domain analyzers and the PBN buyers in the market to deploy PBNS, second analyze regions and then deploy.

Using Checkduck to get FREE Content

So tell me this, I are capable of use CheckDuck as aI could look at an expired domain name, go to Show Top Pages, and I could duplicate and paste that content and get myself free material, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can go to Show Top Pages and then go to Wayback and get the content contact tool.

تو, if I wanted to steal content from the Wayback machine

You can do it, you can just get it done from the Show Top Pages Wayback machine on[ inaudible 00:17: 13 ]. Just hunt down some low authority realms in your niche, and check out that Wayback data, and just reproduce that data and affix it into your own doc, because no permitted provinces wouldn’t be used as a PBN for anyone else, so they won’t be relived again. If they’re applied they’re better as a new blog, so it’s better to go with low government realm to find expired material, or you can use any expired content, like and expired material or anything, so it’s like it’s all about expired province analysis.

Yeah. Well, I was just thinking of other actions that your implement could be used with my own crazy mind.

There are many other ways, you exactly need some originality, because there are tools and everything. You exactly need talent. Or you can get daily drooped domain names that come with availability, then you can add into by subject adventurer. Right now it’s 200 realms, but we’re going to increase it in upcoming daytimes, so you can click Add Domains and click Submit Domains. Let me do it right now. Let me present you.

We’re in Expired Let me indicate you like, I obtained some tech disciplines. Now contains a list. I only, we’re done copying and with Domain Explorer I only paste and let’s wait for the Domain Explorer to do the job. Right now you can see this error status, which means that domain doesn’t have any Wayback data.

So which we work on that credit search basis, so when it shows you an error in status it means that doesn’t have any Wayback data, and approval from that site-directed from your detail. So I have added 25 subjects. It’s checking out everything. It would analyze each and every detail for that orbit, one by one, one by one, and it would give you automated details.

So let’sve been waiting forthat time until then I can tell you that, I can be demonstrated you other things, like the billing part. You can manager over to the billing section. You can just see Subscription Expiry, your total hunting, recognitions remaining, how much ascribes it says is remaining.

One of the very best peculiarities is if you bought a due, 14.9 , now 24.9, 34.9 dollars a few months, after get the due if your ascribes per month gets completed in inside a month it is completed, “youve haduse all your ascribes, what you can do until you have a subscription, you can just buy how much you crave. How much ascribes you want. You can click on Buy Now and buy the recognitions. So it’s like after getting a due, it’s liquidate as you go.


It’s become easy for people, so again we can see that the Expired Domain message is completed. So again we click on Pause, Refresh. Let me filter out them. So clean compose four and above, connect rating, minimum region score four and above. So here are the domains which I have dug it out. So let me increase my clinks so I get very best disciplines. Domain score two and above, but tech flecked com. Let me check stats. Clean orchestrate is four, which means that domain is not quite worth the clean-living rating. It has been 301 redirected, spam value and everything.

So basically this discipline is 301 redirected. You can neglect this 301 redirection. The tie-in compose is above 2.5. So it’s that 301 data. Why I’m saying that you can ignore it is because formerly the domain is 301 data, all the link juice is guided through the central place. It starts overstepping the link juice. And if the link is light-footed, which means that the domain is still receiving 301. Though it has been used for 301, the link juice won’t be the same as earlier. But it can still be exchanged and pass tie-up liquid. The relation rating is good and domain rating is good then you can go with that 301 data. Let me present you more. So it made me a couple of minutes only to find such a good discipline. With a google indicator. So basically, it’s amazing and the price is also fairly good and very low compared to any other implement which is in the market.

تو, any other question which you wanted to ask me?

No, I is of the view that retains it simple. I don’t want to confuse the people with that, but I think overall simply to recap for anyone listening to this is, mostly, you can check the metrics of the domain name, you can very quickly filter down the quality domain names, and it’s all put into one dashboard. And your container toll is $14.99 a few months for, was that 15,000 ascribes?

Uh … 14.99 for 5,000 credits.

Five thousand credits. $24.99 for 15,000 and $34.99 for 30,000. So one pursuing is one credit, is that right?

CheckDuck Conclusion

تو, I think what you’ve clearly got here is a very good tool that helps identify those expired, caliber expired domain names and gives you the opportunity to either do many other things while that’s taking content from them and, you know, check the redirects. I conclude for me one of the most important selling details is the Top Pages part as well, where you can check out the top pages so I think overall it’s a great implement that does a lot of great trash, and I’m sure you are going to be adding to it as you go as well. تو, I’m sure it will do much more and hitherto the thing, domain accessibility is working fine as well so it’s, yeah, a great tool overall. And you know, in terms of cost I think there’s no one can say with the cost of it as well. It’s very cost-effective.

تو, what I’ll do, I’m going to get this all transcribed as well and liberate it as a blog post as well so that people who are looking for finding expired domain names are able to follow this video and do all the searches that you’ve just done there. But you guys, I’m assuming, offer support to people who are maybe stuck, yeah?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We are offering chat assist, so basically if they’ve got any uncertainty, any problems they can chat with us. If any of the users, if any of the members would be online they would just reply to you in a second. So that we would like to reply to you as soon as is feasible. But most of the time we replied in a second only if it’s daytime. If it’s night, or sometimes not in the working hours then it would take time for us to reply. So whenever you laden into the dashboard you can see the chitchat biography. That’s not an issue if the reply is done a bit late, but it will be replied to each and every one.

Cool. Well, that is a good round-up of CheckDuck. So you can find that on or you can reach out to them on the chitchat. لیکن, Praneet , thank you for taking the time to come on and show us the tool and the, as I say, hopefully, all the best with it. It’s quite a new implement. It’s only been released in the past month or so, so digits crossed that it continues to grow and evolve and become an even better tool further down the line, so I look forward to watching the progress. But as I thank you very much for coming on.

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