The Greatest Star Wars Vessels and Automobiles That Had Followers Cheering « $60 Miracle Money Maker

The Greatest Star Wars Vessels and Automobiles That Had Followers Cheering

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Fans of Star Wars love the franchise for different reasons. Some people immerse themselves in the mysticism of the Force and the struggle between Jedi and Sith. For others, the gritty galactic underworld and ruthless bounty hunters capture the imagination.

All these characters need a way to get around. In a galaxy with interstellar travel, that means an entire universe of ships, speeders, and other ways to get around. The Star Wars franchise features plenty such examples to get the job done. 

From speeder bikes to mammoth warships, we’ve scoured the galaxy far, far away for the best Star Wars vehicles and vessels.

1. Millennium Falcon

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Image Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd.

Only one ship could inspire Mel Brooks to make a film with a Winnebago-based knock-off. Only one ship could make an entire convention go wild with the line “Chewie, we’re home.”

The Star Wars universe, and science fiction/space fantasy in general, feature plenty of fascinating and memorable ships, but fans would put the Falcon up against any of them. Narratively, the “hunk of junk” serves as a key vehicle (no pun intended) for the plot in fully two-thirds of Star Wars theatrical releases.

The ship not only became the centerpiece for Galaxy’s Edge in th Disney parks, it may or may not have also inspired part of a whole other sci-fi franchise and a space vehicle here in this universe. Not bad for an old Corellian freighter.

2. X-Wing

X-Wing Starfighter, Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Few icons symbolize the entire Star Wars franchise like the X-Wing fighter (aside from perhaps the next entry). From the streamlined profile to the signature wings (or S-foils) that give the fighter its name, the X-Wing just plain “says” Star Wars.

Of course, the fact that the original trilogy’s hero flew it to destroy the first world-killing Death Star doesn’t hurt the X-Wing’s place in pop culture. In a Reddit ask-me-anything thread, designer Colin Cantwell says that darts like those thrown in pubs worldwide partially inspired the craft’s iconic look.

3. Gauntlet Starfighter

Gauntlet Starfighter ship in Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

It looks sleek and fierce and has enough room for an entire raiding party. No wonder, then, that Bo Katan uses it as her primary transport in The Mandalorian. Fittingly for the Mandalorians, the design doesn’t resemble anything the Empire or Rebel Alliance uses.

Plenty of Star Wars spacecraft feature wings or other components that reconfigure (including a couple on this list), but the Gauntlet’s rotating wings/engines take this concept to a new and striking level.

4. Razor Crest

Razor Crest ship from Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Unveiled in a panel for The Mandalorian during 2019’s Star Wars Celebration Chicago, the Razor Crest had a regrettably short lifespan. The ship’s cockpit canopy and high-slung engine nacelles evoke the A-10 attack plane, which designer Ryan Church says formed the totality of series creator Jon Favreau’s design brief.

The ship’s ignoble end at the hands of Moff Gideon means fans will have to hold out hope for some flashbacks or a prequel to The Mandalorian to see more of the Razor Crest.

5. TIE Advanced x1

TIE Advanced x1 ship from Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Over the years, several TIE fighter variants appeared in Star Wars media. Only one of them served as Darth Vader’s personal fighter, though. Vader flew a version of the x1 during the Battle of Yavin, nearly ending the Rebel Alliance’s threat to the Death Star.

The distinctive bent-wing design gives the fighter a more sinister appearance and helps the viewer keep track of Vader during the climactic trench run. 

6. Ghost

Ghost ship from Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Sometimes, a ship becomes more than a ship and evolves into its own character. Star Wars features several of these, including the Ghost

Hera Syndulla’s modified freighter serves as both transport and home for her small band for all four seasons of Star Wars Rebels. The ship also appeared in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story during the Battle of Scarif and in Ahsoka with Hera, her son Jacen, and her droid Chopper. Keen-eyed viewers also note that the Ghost joins the fleet of ships that answer the call to Exegol for the fight against the First Order in The Rise of Skywalker.

7. Naboo N-1 Fighter

Naboo N-1 Fighter from Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Easily the sleekest-looking fighter in the Star Wars universe, the Naboo N-1 starfighter has a certain gracefulness. The streamlined design contrasts with the grittier look of fighters in the original trilogy, underscoring the difference between the Republic and the Empire that took its place.

Noting that Naboo had many bodies of water, design director Doug Chiang based the fighter’s memorable lines on Formula 1 racing boats, both of which he knew George Lucas liked. As a testament to Chiang’s success in creating an iconic design, the N-1 returns to the screen in The Book of Boba Fett when Din Djarin needs a replacement for the Razor Crest.

8. Fulminatrix

Fulminatrix ship in Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

The dreadnought seen bombarding the Resistance at the beginning of The Last Jedi not only gives audiences the memorably cantankerous Captain Canady but also one of the more unique ship names in Star Wars

Design supervisor Kevin Jenkins cites original trilogy designs and World War II-era warships, such as the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Yamato, the most heavily armed battleship ever built, as influences. More than two-and-a-half times the length of the First Order’s normal Star Destroyers, Fulminatrix carries on the tradition of vessels with nearly mind-boggling proportions.

9. TIE Fighter

Star Wars: TIE Fighter Video Game(1994)
Image Credit: LucasArts.

While perhaps impractical to earthbound eyes (if nothing else, cockpit visibility seems suspect), the TIE fighter’s unmistakable profile and iconic sound make it an instantly recognizable symbol of the Star Wars franchise.

The TIE’s minimalist design reflects an Imperial preference for a fast fighter cheap enough to procure in large numbers to facilitate swarm tactics. Accordingly, most TIE variants lack both hyperdrive and deflector shields. The fact that the Empire considers highly trained starfighter pilots expendable speaks volumes about its values.

10. Snowspeeder

Snowspeeder ship from Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Appropriately enough for a scrappy underground group, the snowspeeders seen on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back started as rather basic light utility craft that the Rebel Alliance heavily modified for combat in diverse environments, including Hoth’s debilitating cold.

Not only do audiences owe the safe return of Luke and Han from their chilly overnight stay in an emergency shelter, but the image of the small speeders toppling Imperial walkers against all odds neatly symbolizes the Alliance’s struggle.

11. Y-Wing

Y-Wing Starfighter, Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

It might not get the attention of the sleeker-looking and more maneuverable X-Wing fighter, but the Y-Wing still found a spot in many fans’ hearts. More fighter-bomber than pure fighter, its bulk and its role in the Rebel Alliance mirrored that of the P-47 Thunderbolt in World War II, the heaviest plane of its class at the time with a reputation for packing a punch and taking a ton of punishment.

From a design standpoint, the Y-Wing features a degree of external detailing that helped establish the franchise’s visual signature from the start. According to Industrial Light and Magic model maker Paul Huston, everything from commercial model kits to pantyhose containers went into making the filming models.

12. Skyblade-330

Skyblade 330 ship in Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Enfys Nest used this swoop bike (think speeder bike, but more powerful and dangerous) as the leader of the Cloud-Riders in Solo: A Star Wars Story. The bike has an unrefined look that matches the Cloud-Riders’ intimidating appearance.

Erin Kellyman’s performance as Nest and the twist that reveals the Cloud-Riders’ true motives complement the bike’s visually interesting design.

13. M-68 Landspeeder

M-68 Landspeeder from Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Before he brought Han Solo to life, Harrison Ford had a role in American Graffiti, Lucas’s 1973 coming-of-age flick that celebrated early 1960s car cruising culture. Whether an intentional nod to the older film or not, the opening scene of Han’s origin story featuring the Star Wars version of a car chase feels poetic. 

Lucasfilm’s prop department drew inspiration from classic muscle cars and chase scenes in films like Bullit. The resulting vehicle wouldn’t look too far out of place at a local cruising club’s car show!

14. Supremacy

Star Wars ship Supremacy
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Star Wars vehicles have a history of ridiculously sized ships (Executor) and space stations (both Death Stars).

The sequel trilogy stretches that trope to new levels of absurdity, first with an entire planet turned into a star-sapping super weapon and then with Supreme Leader Snoke’s flagship (and the First Order’s nomadic capital). More than 8 miles front to back and almost 38 miles across, the behemoth almost strains credulity. 

15. Anakin’s Podracer

The Podracer in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (Episode I)
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Perhaps no other scene in the first six Star Wars films channels George Lucas’s fascination with speed and his racing roots than The Phantom Menace‘s podracing scene. The field of racers put the talents of the film’s designers and model makers on full display. Still, the one Anakin built and raced to victory occupies a special place.

After all, thanks to Qui-Gon’s wager, it also marks a pivotal moment in the franchise by bringing young Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Order.

16. Hammerhead Corvette

Hammerhead Corvette ship in Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Introduced in Star Wars Rebels, the Hammerhead Corvette made an especially unforgettable impression in 2016’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

In addition to the ship’s unique design, which dates back to a design used in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game, one example played a critical role in the Battle of Scarif, resulting in one of the most iconic scenes in the film.

17. T-6 Shuttle

T-6 Shuttle in Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

A popular transport for Jedi during the Clone Wars, the T-6’s wings rotate around a central section much like the B-Wing’s body rotates around its cockpit. The shuttle’s semicircular wings give it an extra bit of symmetry and a degree of elegance that the B-Wing lacks.

In the TV series Ahsoka, the titular character uses it to get around the galaxy and train Sabine Wren.

18. Soulless One

Soulless One ship in Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

The personal ship of General Grievous during the Clone Wars, the Soulless One features reinforced armor, sensor jammers, and upgraded cannons. With its centerline cockpit and outrigger engine pods, the design resembles the P-38 Lightning.

It seems fitting, given Dave Filoni’s expressed interest in World War II aircraft.

19. Night Buzzard

Night Buzzard ship in Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

The preferred transport for Kylo and the Knights of Ren, the Night Buzzard started as a prison ship. Even so, the Knights felt it necessary to modify the ship’s appearance and cover it in armor, making it even more menacing.

They had the engines upgraded for both thrust and stealth, which resulted in the ship trailing a dark cloud of exhaust everywhere it flew. When this ship lands at a local spaceport, people should probably have a bad feeling.

20. B-Wing

B-wings attacking an Imperial supply convoy in Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Though someone could make a case for any of the Rebel Alliance’s starfighters on this list, the B-Wing gets extra points for the sheer audacity of its design. Unfortunately, its thin cross-section posed problems in production and tended to make the ship blend into the background, limiting its on-screen appearances.

Nevertheless, its cruciform design and rotating cockpit (an early concept for the Millennium Falcon) leave a distinct impression.

21. Mon Cal Cruiser

Mon Cal Cruiser ship in Star Wars
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Before audiences see Admiral Ackbar’s flagship in Return of the Jedi, most Star Wars vehicles feature a spartan or even brutalist aesthetic. From the Millenium Falcon’s missing panels and carbon scoring to the Imperial Star Destroyers’ harsh lines, the original trilogy’s ships and other vehicles give off a distinctly utilitarian vibe.

The Mon Cal vessels, however, present viewers with a completely different design philosophy, with long curving lines that lend them an organic feel.

22. Cobb Vanth’s Speeder

Timothy Olyphant as Cobb Vanth rides Cobb Vanth's Speeder in The Mandalorian
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

Before he conceived of Star Wars, George Lucas developed a love for speed and things that went fast, which we can see in some of his other works, like American Graffiti and THX 1138. He carried that into his faraway galaxy, and his successors have followed his lead.

Take the speeder that Cobb Vanth uses as the marshal of Mos Pelgo in The Mandalorian, for example. Befitting Tatooine’s austere nature, he rides a custom speeder comprised almost entirely of a podracing engine. That makes for a fitting tribute to Lucas’s gearhead streak and a nice nod to the racing scene in The Phantom Menace.

23. Sea Skiff

Daisy Ridley commands the Sea Skiff in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Episode IX)
Image Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

Equally stout and nimble, these hand-made seagoing craft enable Jannah’s group of First Order deserters to fish and salvage in the waters of Kef Bir. Though she picks a rough day for sailing, the sea skiff Rey commandeered sees her safely to the second Death Star’s wreckage in The Rise of Skywalker.

It marks the first live-action watercraft since the Gungan bongo in The Phantom Menace. Unlike the submarine, it does not expose the antagonist to the risk of becoming an appetizer.

24. AT-AT

AT-AT descends upon Hoth in Star Wars: The empire Strikes Back (Episode V)
Image Credit: Lucasfilm.

When it comes to Imperial walkers, the AT-AT’s imposing bulk gives it the edge over the smaller AT-ST. From its first appearance lumbering into battle on Hoth to the scenes of the larger cargo-carrying variants in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the four-legged combat vehicle epitomizes the Empire’s strength and lack of subtlety.

In the DVD commentary for The Empire Strikes Back, George Lucas credits the alien tripods in the H.G. Wells novel The War of the Worlds for inspiring the AT-AT.

25. BARC Speeder

The BARC Speeder as featured in The Clone Wars animated series

Unlike the speeder bike used by Imperial scout troopers (and stolen by Luke and Leia) in Return of the Jedi, this model features a heftier and more resilient frame. Seen in several episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, its design evokes a custom bagger-style motorcycle.

If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if the American Chopper crew wound up in the Star Wars universe, wonder no more.   

The post The Best Star Wars Vessels and Vehicles That Had Fans Cheering first appeared on Wealth of Geeks.

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