S Legit Ways to Get Paid to Lose Weight in 2019 (with Free Apps!)

Posted On Aug 9, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on S Legit Ways to Get Paid to Lose Weight in 2019 (with Free Apps!)

HealthyWage is a legitimate and trusted challenge-based, health website and app which has been featured in a wide range of established media outlets, like CNN, The New York Times, and The Huffington Post, and even NPR.

It depends on how much you bet. You can actually see hard numbers by using HealthyWage’s calculator (click on the “Calculate prize” tab on the homepage).

The rest of your prize money will come from other users who haven’t reached their weight loss goals.

In addition to getting paid to get fit, you can also participate in the site’s challenges. By participating in challenges, you can win big cash rewards.

Kwa mfano, with the site’s 10% challenge, you pay $100 to take part, and then if you lose 10% of your body weight, within six months, you win $200.

If you lower your BMI from the obese category, which is a BMI of more than 30, to the normal range, which is a BMI below 25, then you can win up to $1000.

There is also a range of other challenges and more lucrative team challenges where you can win up to $10,000.

Getting started on HealthyWage is relatively quick and easy.

All, you need to do is set up an account.

Then, you need to use the site’s calculator to calculate your prize range. Simply enter the amount of weight you want to lose, the timeframe you need to lose the weight, and how much money you are willing to wager each month. Then, you’ll be given a prize range.

After you’ve made your wager, you’ll need to participate with weekly weigh-ins and keep up with your workouts and healthy eating regimen.

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You’ll get plenty of support from other members too.

Essentially, you make a time-sensitive weight loss goal.

Once you have placed your bet, if you reach your weight loss goal within the allotted time, then you’ll win money.

You’ll either be rewarded with PayPal or Amazon credit.

For more details and tips, read my HealthyWage review.

Other Sites & Apps that Pay You to Lose Weight

HealthyWage, although one of the original weightless betting apps, isn’t the only way you can make money by losing weight.

Here are a few more apps and platforms that let you do just that.

2. DietBet

This is a great app/website where you can earn money by betting on yourself to lose weight.

The site features various kinds of both short-term and long-term weight-loss competitions.

Now, what I personally like about DietBet is that not only you can join betting games created by other users, but you can also create your very own betting game and invite other people and your friends and family to join in.

DietBet competitions and who wins the money work like other similar apps that pay you to exercise or lose weight. Everyone one who joins in has to put in a little (as little as $10) money. Once the competition is over, the pot gets split between the winners, i,e, the people who met their weight loss goals.

And if you like sites and apps that pay with PayPal, you’ll be happy to now that DietBet pays straight to your PayPal account.

For more details, read my review of DietBet.

3. Achievement

This is one of the best apps to get paid for being healthy.

It works in conjunction with activity tracker apps like Fitbit and MyFitnessPal. Simply co

Simply install the Achievement app (available for iOS and Android) on your device, then connect one or more of those apps to it and start earning rewards.

For every action/activity, you earn points. Once you have 10,000 points (equals to $10) you can redeem it for rewards. You can choose to get paid via PayPal or Direct Deposit. You can also choose to donate your earnings to a charity.

Read my Achievement review to learn more.

4. StickK

This is an interesting one. Unlike DietBet that is solely focused on weight loss, this is a platform where you bet on yourself to achieve any kind of goal. Anything from, quitting smoking, losing weight and exercising more to cleaning out your garage, saving for retirement to whatever else custom goal you have in mind.

The platform has a huge community built around each goal so you always have other people to compete against who will also cheer you on.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Set your goal (in this case weight loss).
  2. Sign a “Commitment Contract” which is basically you saying you will stick to it.
  3. Bet on achieving your goal by adding “Stakes” (in other words, putting some money down).
  4. Meet your goal and get paid within 72 hours via PayPal.

Now, you don’t have to actually bet money. You can just use any form of accountability but because studies have shown money is a good motivator, most people choose to bet on themselves with cash

In case you don’t meet your goal, StickK gives you four options for who you want to receive that money.

The options include:

  • Friend or Foe: Basically anyone you know (friends, family, coworkers, etc).
  • Charity: You can choose from a list of 15+ 501(c)(3) organizations.
  • stickK: The platform gets to keep the money.
  • Anti-Charity: An organization you don’t like. (Obviously, you can choose a charity that you want to get the money but isn’t listed as one of the options when you choose “CXhaorty” to be your recipient).

Overall, this is a great site to use for helping you achieve any kind of goal.

5. Walgreen’s Balance Rewards

Walgreen’s Balance Rewards (review here) is one of the best rewards programs out there where you earn points for every purchase you make at Walgreens.

Now, what most people may not know about the program is that you can also use to earn points for doing healthy activities and habits.

You can set any health-related goal you like – losing weight, not smoking, working out, etc.

The program, just like Achievement, lets you connect to your activity tracker app like FitBit so you can track your activities easier and faster.

Now, the one drawback to the program, for those of us how like cold hard cash, is that Walgreens doesn’t pay you cash for achieving your goals. Instead, any point you earn will translate into savings on any Walgreens purchase you make. This is actually a great way to hit two birds with one stone, establish healthier habits and activities and save money at Walgreens!

6. FitCoin

Have you gotten into the Bitcoin and the whole cryptocurrency thing yet?

Well, this is your chance to earn free Bitcoin. That’s right, instead of paying you in cash for working out and burning calories, FitCoin pays you with Bitcoin.

To start, install the free app, then connect it with your favorite fitness and activity tracker app like RunKeeper or Fitbit.

The app automatically measures your pace and distance to mine Bitcoin.

Needless to say, the more you move the more Bitcoin you mine.

So if you always wanted to get into cryptocurrency without actually putting your own money into investing in it, this is a great way to get your hands on some while working out more and shedding a few pounds.

7. Charity Miles

For those charity-conscious among us, this is a great app. It’s a little different than the other similar apps in that you don’t get paid personally, but you do earn money for a charity of your choice. Every activity earns you cash.

To get started simply install the app for your device, create a free account and choose which charity you want to earn money for. The app lets you track all kinds of movement from walking and running to dancing and biking. For every mile you move, you earn money that goes to the charity of your choice.

This is a great app feel doubly good. Feel good for losing weight and becoming healthier and feel good for earning money for your favorite charities.

Final Thoughts

These apps and programs are really great motivational tools for those of us who need that little extra “kick in the butt” to get started (and stick to) in moving more often and losing weight.

HealthyWage and other apps and sites mentioned here are all legitimate programs that have helped a lot of people already lose weight and become healthier.

They also offer a great range of resources, like exercise tips and weight loss advice, which makes losing weight easier.

I would love to hear your thoughts as well. Have you ever tried any of these apps? What do you think about being paid to lose weight? Let us know in the comments below.

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