Why Your Marketing Needs to Include Your Company's Story | Online Marketing Strategy « $60 Babah Money ker

Why Your Marketing Needs to Include Your Company's Story | Online Marketing Strategy

Posted On May 26, 2020 By admin With Comments Off on Why Your Marketing Needs to Include Your Company's Story | Online Marketing Strategy

Why Your Marketing Needs to Include Your Company’s Story?

It’s about telling your story.

When the only thing you think about is selling, selling, selling, what happens? Potential customers get emails that are only promotions. They get bombarded with products to buy, but no useful information. And, they start to feel they are just a number to you, rather than an actual person.

Before you sell anything, you need to connect, and not just with a handshake or sending out one email. You need to emotionally connect with the people you want to be your customers now, and for the rest of their lives.

But how?

Think about it this way. If you were sitting down across from a potential customer at a nice lunch, would you immediately launch into your sales pitch? If you know anything about sales, I hope not! You need to know who they are, you need to know what they want, and you need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you understand them.

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