Starbucks creates a warm and soothing feeling with this ad with the tinted red b… « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Starbucks creates a warm and soothing feeling with this ad with the tinted red b…

Posted On Apr 15, 2019 By Fran Doolan With Comments Off on Starbucks creates a warm and soothing feeling with this ad with the tinted red b…


Starbucks creates a warm and soothing feeling with this ad with the tinted red background. Starbucks also breaks through the clutter by arranging their drinks in a way that the whipped cream creates a christmas tree to exemplify the holidays. This ad targets anyone who drinks coffee and enjoys relaxing and chatting with friends in a comfortable environment. I felt that this was persuasive because Starbucks creates an inviting atmosphere and shows off their holiday drinks with creativity.

Source by handeyorukul

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