The Amulet

Posted On Jan 3, 2019 By Abraham Woodhouse With Comments Off on The Amulet

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2017 launch from the alt-rock band. Recently celebrating the ten yr anniversary of seminal data On Letting Go and Juturna, indie-prog juggernauts Circa Survive launch their album The Amulet by way of Hopeless Records. Lead by charismatic entrance man Anthony Green, previously of Saosin, The Amulet incorporates the band’s signature sound that followers have come to like whereas nonetheless persevering with to be creative and progressive. Includes the only “Lustration”. Circa Survive draw influences from delicate rock, submit-hardcore, experimental rock, emo, progressive rock, artwork rock, and pop. According to steer singer Anthony Green, Circa Survive have been influenced by Deftones, Paul Simon, dredg, and Björk.

Originally posted 2017-09-07 thirteen:03:21. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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