Revealing the Scandals of Former First Women « $60 Mohlolo Money Moetsi oa

Revealing the Scandals of Former First Women

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Anyone who read Robert Harris’s thriller, The Ghost, will recall a cunning First Lady narrative whereby the president’s wife disposes of any inconvenient eavesdroppers at the behest of her husband. Since presidents existed, first ladies have followed, either endearing themselves to their subjects or alienating everyone around them.

1. Mary Todd Lincoln

Mary Todd Lincoln
Image Credit: Mathew Benjamin Brady, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

Big Abe became the savior of America’s values when his Union Army defeated the Confederate Army in the American Civil War. However, his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, suffered various mental disorders, manifesting in a spendthrift lifestyle. She even garnered accusations of stealing through manipulated White House invoices and once racked up $2,000 on clothes, an equivalent of $70,000 today.

2. Jill Biden

Jill Biden
Image Credit: Wiki Commons.

The current first lady is no stranger to controversy, and recent accusations from her former husband paint Jill Biden negatively. In a recent interview, Bill Stevenson, a former friend — and self-proclaimed bankroller for Biden’s Senate run — claimed that Biden dated his wife while they were still married. Of course, First Lady Jill Biden denied these claims and assured the public that they first dated a year after her divorce from Stevenson.

3. Edith Wilson

Edith Wilson
Image Credit: Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library Archives, No restrictions/Wiki Commons.

After President Woodrow Wilson suffered a devastating stroke during his Treaty of Versailles tour that eventually ended the Great War, he was partially paralyzed and unable to carry out his duties effectively. This event occurred before the 25th Amendment was ratified, meaning Vice President Thomas Marshall couldn’t step in. Instead, Edith Wilson acted as an executive proxy, keeping her husband’s ailing health from the public eye until his death. Nobody knew until her memoir was released in 1939 that she effectively ran the nation during this period.

4. Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt
Image Credit: Underwood & Underwood, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

When your nickname is “The Meddler,” you can probably guess that the proletariat is not a fan. However, this is what people remembered First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt as during her tenure as President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s wife. However, Roosevelt’s biggest controversy was an affair — discovered posthumously — with journalist Lorena Hickok, who followed Roosevelt’s first presidential campaign. After 3,000 love letters between the two were uncovered in 1978, their steamy affair was confirmed. In her defense, she was getting back at her husband’s extramarital transgressions.

5. Betty Ford

Betty Ford
Image Credit: David Hume Kennerly, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

The Betty Ford Clinic is synonymous with celebrity rehab stints, and for a good reason — Betty Ford herself struggled with substance and alcohol abuse most of her adult life. Moreover, Gerald Ford courted controversy with his Republican base for marrying a former dancer and divorcee. The couple dared to share a single bedroom, too! They were the first executive couple to do so since President Coolidge and his First Lady.

6. Grace Coolidge

Grace Coolidge
Image Credit: Herbert E. French, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

Grace Coolidge had a good record as a first lady, having secured a college education and becoming an icon for women’s education. However, In 1927, President Calvin Coolidge went on vacation with his wife to South Dakota’s Black Hills. Grace had a friendly relationship with her secret service detail, James Haley. After returning from a hike with the dashing young man, Grace was suspected of collecting more than flowers. It was an unfair accusation because of the lack of evidence on an otherwise unblemished record.

7. Jackie Onassis (Kennedy)

Jackie Onassis Kennedy
Image Credit: Robert Knudsenderivative work: Nickvaughn49, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

First Lady Jackie Kennedy had a flawless record throughout her marriage to the revered President John F. Kennedy. She was always a picture of elegance, showing steadfast loyalty to the president, even in light of his philandering. However, six years after her husband’s death, Kennedy became Jackie Onassis, marrying Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis. However, with Onassis being a divorcee, the Vatican decreed Kennedy was unable to receive communion if she married him. Citing the desire to protect her family’s future, she married him anyway.

8. Laura Bush

Laura Bush
Image Credit: White House photo by Krisanne Johnson, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

First Lady Laura Bush avoided controversy for most of husband George’s controversial presidential tenure. However, at the end of his reign, a story about Laura’s past caught up with them. A Midland, Texas, Police report resurfaced after an Associated Press inquiry showed the first lady was guilty of killing a young man in a car wreck, though escaping charges. It didn’t make much difference to President Bush; his bid for the White House tenancy was successful.

9. Nancy Reagan

Nancy Reagan
Image Credit: mark reinstein/Shutterstock.

Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter to secure the presidency in 1980, even though most critics were surprised at his victory over such a clean-cut, likable Christian incumbent. However, people were even more taken aback when it was revealed that she was a strong astrology fan, even consulting with her personal astrologer, Joan Quigley, on policy matters for her husband after he survived an assassination attempt in 1981. The Reagan administration denied all of this, of course.

10. Melania Trump

Melania Trump
Image Credit: Marianique Santos, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

Former First Lady Melania Trump had to deal with a rollercoaster four years for her husband Donald’s presidency. From day one, the Trumps subverted tradition and protocol; the loose-cannon rhetoric and informal conduct upset people across America. However, Melania’s biggest faux pas was allegedly plagiarizing First Lady Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic National Convention speech.

11. Dolley Madison

Dolley Madison
Image Credit: William S. Elwell, Google Cultural Institute, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

In a strange turn of events, widower Thomas Jefferson had no first lady to host White House events when he became president. Therefore, he turned to his best friend James Madison, whose wife, Dolley, agreed to become the official presidential hostess, even getting embroiled in national and state debates with foreign guests and supporting Lewis and Clark’s Western exploration.

Naturally, the press had a field day constructing rumors of infidelities between her and President Jefferson, designed to harm husband Jameschances at winning the presidency. The press failed; Dolley Madison assumed her rightful first lady status when James was elected in 1808.

12. Julia Tyler

Julia Tyler
Image Credit: Francesco Anelli, Public Domain/Wiki Commons.

I am unsure what today’s first lady could get away with, though I am positive it would be far worse than Julia Tyler’s indiscretion. When Julia Gardiner married President John Tyler, she became first lady in 1844; however, she risked personal ruin after appearing in an advertisement for a dry goods chain. What’s more, Tyler was standing close to a man!

We must remember that etiquette has changed, and at the time, such an act was tantamount to infidelity. Feeling ashamed, Gardiner’s family sent her to Europe before she eventually returned and tied the knot with Tyler.

13. Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton
Image Credit: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0/Wiki Commons.

As the wife of President Bill Clinton, Hillary managed to incite a lawsuit in 1993 following her attempt at healthcare reform. President Clinton appointed his wife to lead a panel rejuvenating the American healthcare system. However, First Ladies were not meant to shape policy or influence decisions, and even though Hillary received no salary, she still incurred the wrath of several healthcare lobbies, who duly sued the administration, albeit unsuccessfully.

Of course, we can’t forget Clinton using a personal email to conduct Secretary of State business.

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