J&O No. M’s Of The ’50s

Posted On May 29, 2019 By Abraham Woodhouse Витх Comments Off on J&O No. M’s Of The ’50s


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A few months ago, Acrobat released ‘The Country No. 1s of the ’50s’, and here we follow up by doing the same for the R&B market, with a 159-track 6-CD collection that includes every record that made the No. 1 spot in the Billboard R&B Best Sellers, Airplay and Jukebox charts during the 1950s. It traces a fascinating musical journey, encompassing every shade of the R&B scene, from pure blues, through jump blues and honking R&B, to the vocal groups and doowop outfits, and the material that heralded the dawn of the rock ‘n’ roll era. In the later decades the crossover between R&B and R&R saw many of the major chart names topping the R&B chart alongside the specialist R&B and early soul, so it’s a truly eclectic and always highly entertaining mix of styles and influences. It will appeal not only to R&B collectors, but also anyone interested in the background to today’s popular music, highlighting as it does, many of the recordings that influenced and then provided the landmarks in its development.

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