How To Make Money With CPA Marketing « $60 Чудо Монеи Макер

How To Make Money With CPA Marketing

Posted On Feb 15, 2020 Од стране админ Витх Comments Off on How To Make Money With CPA Marketing

What is CPA Marketing?
CPA Marketing is a really good method to make money online in 2019 especially because it’s not as saturated as compared to affiliate marketing and other online money making methods. Secondly, its quick and easy money and you don’t need to have a heavy investment in order to prosper in this industry. Now that we have some basic knowledge of CPA marketing let us proceed.

Prema tome, first things first, some things you will need to get up and running…

Here are some things you will need:

A CPA Affiliate Network account (Go Below to See Recommended Ones)
Account at
Domain/hosting (Only if you want to build a list and not direct link)
What is AdClickMedia?
AdClickMedia is a leading digital advertising company which provides several types of advertisements at cheap rates such as:

Photo Text Ads
Banner Display Ads
Full Page Interstitial Ads
Email Pay-Per-Click Ads (This is what we’re going to be doing only!)
Some stats you will want to know about this network…

They have over 900+ Million Ad impressions being served and they have over 37+ Million Email Data records we can buy/rent from.

That’s a LOT of email Data we can rent for our CPA/Affiliate campaigns don’t you think?

In just the Biz Opp/Make Money Online/Internet Marketing niche alone they have more than 18+ Million Email Records which we can advertise to. Now stats aside let’s move on to our next section of the tutorial.

NOTE: If you don’t want to buy Email PPC or you don’t have the budget for it you can also use your own email list.

Click here to see our top 10 best CPA marketing platforms list……

Niche Selection:
The following are the best niches to go after when you are doing CPA marketing.

Biz Opp/Make Money Online/Internet Marketing/Forex/Binary offers.
Insurance (Zip submits works great) Dating (none adult)
Weight loss/diet/fitness
Online Education
How to find a good email copy.
In order to find good email copy, you have got to do some research one tip that works really well is that you scout affiliate companies like:

And find products related to your niche then go find the affiliate resources page of that product and 9 times out of 10 the product vendor provides email swipes which you can use as an example.

Let’s take Clickbank as an example:

You go to the marketplace section after signing up then find your relevant niche, in this case, we can use Affiliate Marketing.

then you proceed to find any product you think is a good fit for your specific niche, in this case, we have selected the following product.

After choosing a product you like you can click on the affiliate resources page where you can find some awesome examples for email swipes

Next up all you have to do is go sign up at AdClickMedia then fill your account with some credit after that choose the category you want to promote your product in you can choose from the following categories.
after choosing the category write your email copy and then choose the most suitable advertiser from the list. Publish your campaign and then wait for some time for it to be approved and then voila your campaign will be published.

Some extra tips……
Keep your email swipes clean and avoid using spammy words.

Great Email Copy=Great Conversions

If you don’t find success using a specific product keep on testing until you find that ultimate product and then scale it. In order to maximize your profits, even more, build your own targeted email list, I will be releasing an article on it soon so stay tuned.

Let’s sum it up.
Sign up on a CPA Network and AdClickMedia
Create your email swipes.
Launch a campaign on AdClickMedia.
Test multiple products.
Choose the best performing product and scale it.

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