Giancarlo Esposito Thought-about a Homicide-for-Rent Plot Throughout Cash Struggles « $60 Чудо Монеи Макер

Giancarlo Esposito Thought-about a Homicide-for-Rent Plot Throughout Cash Struggles

Posted On Apr 19, 2024 Од стране админ Витх Comments Off on Giancarlo Esposito Thought-about a Homicide-for-Rent Plot Throughout Cash Struggles

Giancarlo Esposito‘s financial situation was so bad before landing his “Breaking Bad” role, he says he contemplated plotting his own murder.

The actor made that shocking revelation while he was on Sirius XM’s “Jim & Sam Show” … where he talked about a period in his life when he was not the successful Hollywood actor and producer he is today.

GE recalled struggling with his mental health and finances in 2008, and admitted he wondered if his kids could collect insurance money if he hired someone to take him out.

Giancarlo said he even ran some ideas by his ex-wife, Joy McManigal.

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