Dave Bautista Praises Cops After Car Smashes Through His Gym Gate « $60 Чудо Монеи Макер

Dave Bautista Praises Cops After Car Smashes Through His Gym Gate

Posted On Apr 17, 2019 Од стране админ Витх Comments Off on Dave Bautista Praises Cops After Car Smashes Through His Gym Gate

Dave Bautista

Car Smashes Through His Gym Gate

… ‘I’m Fine!

4/17/2019 8:26 AM PDT

Breaking News

American television series

Good news, bad news for Dave Bautista

Bad News … someone lost control of their car Tuesday night and smashed through the front gate of Bautista’s gym in Florida.

Good News … miraculously, no one was hurt!!!

It all went down outside of Dave’s boutique gym in Tampa — which looks like a house from the front — where a black SUV crashed into the outside fence of the property in the middle of the night.


Bautista personally went down to the gym to check out the damage — and admits he was in a “sh*tty mood” when he saw what happened.

Ali, the former WWE superstar says, “Thankfully no one was hurt.”

Several Tampa Police Dept. officers also responded to the crash scene — and Bautista says they couldn’t have been nicer and more understanding.

Prema tome, what did Bautista do next? He took pics with everyone!!!

Afterward, the Tampa PD replied to the “Guardians of the Galaxy” star … saying, “Thanks [Bautista] for the kind words regarding our officers. We too, are glad no one was hurt.”

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