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LuxInound | eCommerce Dev & Marketing | SXO | search engine marketing | Online Marketing | Lausanne | Zurich Switzerland

Posted On Jan 25, 2020 By admin With Comments Off on LuxInound | eCommerce Dev & Marketing | SXO | search engine marketing | Online Marketing | Lausanne | Zurich Switzerland

Lux Inbound’s Seven eCommerce Trends in 2020

1. Ethical eCommerce
In 2020, consumers will pay more attention to your values ​​than to your products.

Excellent service is paramount; internet users have a wide variety of choices from your competitors. They will, therefore, head towards a company that focuses on individual ethics.

Highlight your ethics! Propel your locally manufactured products, offer to donate a percentage of your sales to an association, highlight your organic products.

Above all, tell your story: how do you choose your brands? Why did you decide to get involved in such an association?

2. Social Selling
One-quarter of people are ready to make their purchases on a social network. Allow them to shop your products from your accounts
Install a shop on Facebook button
Tag your Instagram products
Use the “swipe up” in your stories
Turn your Instagram page into a store
Present your products on Twitter with a direct link to their page

3. More Secure Payments
Currently, 85% of online purchases are made by bank card; the European Union wishes to strengthen consumer protection. On their agenda: the implementation of new technical standards.

As an eMerchant, you must stay informed continuously about payment security techniques to update your online store. Also, it is recommended to turn to a secure payment solution. Our advice
Rely on a professional webmaster, capable of installing all the latest technologies for your e-commerce store.

4. Pop-up eCommerce Shops
25% of people are ready to quit their jobs to start an e-commerce shop.
Logically 2020 will see an increase in services dedicated to online store managers.

Open your eyes! New tools will emerge to make your daily life more comfortable and help you focus on your core business: selling!

5. SXO is the new SEO
Search Experience Optimization goes far beyond SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by going further than textual optimization: now, SEO is also dependent on the quality of content, their hierarchy, and the fluidity of navigation.

What can you do? Check that your eCommerce store offers simple navigation, correctly classified, and grouped content.
If necessary, call on a specialist to assess your store.

6. Strengthening of Data Protection
You certainly haven’t missed out on the GDPR, but did you know that this is not enough? Consumers have less and less confidence in digital players and want to be more reassured about the use of their data.
In 2020, post your privacy policy everywhere, take the time to reassure consumers with blog articles and social media posts.

Take the lead by going further than the rules laid down by the GDPR.

7. Personalization of Delivery
85% of online shoppers prefer delivery by appointment, which they can control.

In 2020, you will have to offer several modes of transport and choose at least one service provider that allows customers to select the date and time of delivery. Also, think of forming a partnership with the various local carrier services that offer more flexibility in the delivery of your customer’s orders.

Bonus add 8,9 and 10!

8. Symmetry and Flow of Web Design
93% of buyers believe that the design of an e-commerce store impacts their purchasing decision.

In 2020, make way for minimalism and symmetry of forms! Two creative elements that immediately give your site more personality. Typography level, prefer sans serif, round and bold characters for titles.

9. Mass Consumption to Conquer eCommerce
The competition will increase in 2020: you will be competing with mass distributors of every product under the sun! Driven by enthusiasm, this sector intends to develop the mass distribution of food and beverages via the web.

To stand out, bet on the ethical and authentic side of your eCommerce store. Enhance your story and personify your brand. Consumers will more easily establish a link with you than with a global player.

10. Omnichannel, the New Eldorado for SMBs
Omnichannel consists of selling your products on several channels: eCommerce, social networks, marketplaces, physical points of sale. A game-changing strategy since it allows companies to generate 3x more sales!

Do not hesitate to diversify your presence by selling your products on market places like Amazon.

Install the necessary features to transform your social networks into a point of sale.

If you are a brand, set off to conquer independent boutiques, franchised brands, and supermarkets, in line with your positioning.

2020 marks a turning point for eCommerce. For many years, this sector has not been a core focus, but the growing enthusiasm for this method of sale affects more and more companies.

Stand out now by adopting a minimalist and original design, highlighting your ethics, telling your story, and reassuring consumers.

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