Zendaya's Stylist Nonetheless Rejects Massive 5 Designers That Dissed Her Early On « $60 Чудо Money Maker

Zendaya's Stylist Nonetheless Rejects Massive 5 Designers That Dissed Her Early On

Posted On May 11, 2024 К администратор С Комментарии отключены на Zendaya's Stylist Nonetheless Rejects Massive 5 Designers That Dissed Her Early On

Zendaya is a no-fly zone for almost all of the major fashion houses as long as her stylist Law Roach is calling the shots … because he remembers which designers turned her down, and he won’t let them forget it.

Law poured all sorts of tea when he was on “The Cutting Room Floor” podcast — for instance, why Zendaya doesn’t wear Chanel, Saint Laurent, Dior or Gucci when she’s making her grand entrances to fashion events and movie premieres.

He explained that early in Z’s career — he’s been dressing her since 14 — he’d try to get big designers to work with her. He says, “I would write [к] the big five… and they would all say no. Try again next year. She’s too green. She’s not on our calendar.”

Well, in the words of one Джулия Робертс … “Big mistake. Huge.”

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