Soulja Boy Rips Gucci Over Blackface Scandal, Calls the Brand Racist

Опубликовано март 25, 2019 К администратор С Комментарии отключены на Soulja Boy Rips Gucci Over Blackface Scandal, Calls the Brand Racist

Soulja Boy

Gucci is Racist!!!

I’m Not Playing My Song

3/25/2019 9:18 AM PDT


Soulja Boy isn’t wearing Gucci bandanas anymore, and he sure as hell ain’t about to rap about them … because he thinks the brand is “racist as f**k!!!

The rapper is still raging mad over Gucci’s blackface scandal — and we got this video of him stopping his Sunday performance at the High Times Dope Cup in Adelanto, CA ripping the company a new one.


Soulja starts rapping “Gucci Bandanna” before stopping the show and bashing Gucci over its disastrous decision to sell a sweater resembling blackface. SB doesn’t hold back, calling the sweater “racist ass s**t” and telling Gucci to “suck my d**k!

Young Drako is still on board with the Gucci boycott, and that’s gotta suck for them … because he says he’s spent over $1 million on Gucci in the last 10 годы!

Yeah, Soulja’s days as a walking, talking Gucci billboard are over. For now.

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