Rose McGowan Speaks Out After Harvey Weinstein Conviction Information « $60 Чудо Money Maker

Rose McGowan Speaks Out After Harvey Weinstein Conviction Information

Опубликовано в апреле 26, 2024 К администратор С Комментарии отключены на Rose McGowan Speaks Out After Harvey Weinstein Conviction Information

Rose McGowan is slamming the fact Harvey Weinstein‘s NYC rape conviction was overturned … and she’s got an empowering message for all of his alleged victims.

The actress posted a video Thursday in response to the Weinstein news — with a caption reading, “They will never overturn who we are. Blessings to all who gave their all.” The actual clip itself is just robust … RMG says they might’ve overturned the conviction, but the survivors can never be erased.

She gives kudos to everyone fighting the good fight — noting how proud she is of how far they’ve come … and what they know to be true in their fight against “evil.”

Rose also had this to say, “No matter what they overturn, they cannot take away who we are, what we are, what we’ve gone through, and what we can achieve in this life.”

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