<p>В 2014 Birch & Waite approached creative agency Evo to launch a ra… « $60 Чудо Money Maker

<p>В 2014 Birch & Waite approached creative agency Evo to launch a ra

Posted On Jul 13, 2019 By Fran Doolan С Комментарии отключены на <p>В 2014 Birch & Waite approached creative agency Evo to launch a ra


<p>В 2014 Birch & Waite approached creative agency Evo to launch a range of batch-crafted sauces for the professional food service industry. The agency strived to make a point about the mass production of such products by visually showing what the process of creating each sauce is like. www.evoagency.com.au</p>

Source by sethlynne

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