Madonna Crushes Private Live performance Document with 1.6 Million Followers in Rio « $60 Чудо Money Maker

Madonna Crushes Private Live performance Document with 1.6 Million Followers in Rio

Posted On May 5, 2024 К администратор С Комментарии отключены на Madonna Crushes Private Live performance Document with 1.6 Million Followers in Rio

Leave it to Madonna to go out with a bang … that’s how you’d have to describe the insane scene in Brazil when she closed out her world tour with more than a million people in the sand.

A reported 1.6 million Madonna lovers turned out for the free concert on Rio de Janeiro’s famed Copacabana Beach … and it was a total spectacle. At one point, the massive crowd actually got in sync enough to take over singing “Like A Virgin.”

The final night of Madge’s tour, which got off to a rocky start last October, turned out to be a milestone for her. The sea of Rio fans destroyed the previous record for largest Madonna concert … which was a measly 130,000 for her 1987 Paris show.

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