Isla Fisher Seen for the First Time After Sacha Baron Cohen Divorce Information « $60 Чудо Money Maker

Isla Fisher Seen for the First Time After Sacha Baron Cohen Divorce Information

Опубликовано в апреле 10, 2024 К администратор С Комментарии отключены на Isla Fisher Seen for the First Time After Sacha Baron Cohen Divorce Information

Isla Fisher is telegraphing that her marriage to Sacha Baron Cohen is, in fact, over — as if their divorce announcement wasn’t enough … she’s now ditched her wedding ring.

The actress was photographed in North London this week, where she was walking her dog and chit-chatting on the phone … and she was rolling by her lonesome here, rocking shades and holding a coffee, looking somewhat serious and downcast.

More importantly though is the fact that her left ring finger was bare … namely, it was without her wedding band — confirming she and Sacha are dunzo.

Remember … the longtime couple announced last week that they were going their separate ways and divorcing, explaining they’d quietly filed for divorce …. which happened last year.

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