Oleg Vishnepolsky on LinkedIn: "1. You matter a lot to people who matter. 2… « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Oleg Vishnepolsky on LinkedIn: "1. You matter a lot to people who matter. 2…

Posted On Oct 29, 2019 Por Fran Doolan Com Comentários desativados sobre Oleg Vishnepolsky on LinkedIn: "1. You matter a lot to people who matter. 2…

Oleg Vishnepolsky on LinkedIn: "1. You matter a lot to people who matter. 2. Never settle for less than you deserve. 3. Believe the best is yet to come, and it will ! 4. Let it all go. See what stays. 5. Doubts kill more dreams than failures ever will. 6. The sun will rise and we will try again."

Fonte por ashisht08

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