Internet Marketing Opportunities for Lawyers « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Internet Marketing Opportunities for Lawyers

Posted On Jul 20, 2019 Por administrador Com Comentários desativados sobre Internet Marketing Opportunities for Lawyers

Hi, welcome to the second episode of the Rothman PPC For Lawyers podcast. Today we’re going to survey all the internet marketing opportunities that are available for attorneys. Jason covers both paid and non-paid strategies, and gives advice on how many strategies you should focus on to bring in tons of leads to your law firm. Digital marketing strategies covered today include:

Search Engine Advertising (Google Ads and Bing)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Website Content
Cannibal SEO
Google My Business
Starting A Podcast
Starting A YouTube Channel
YouTube Advertising
Facebook Ads
Social Media Profiles
Law Firm Listing Websites
Chamber Of Commerce Websites
Shop Local Websites
Email Newsletters
Being A Source For Your Newspaper
Recommended Resources Pages

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  • ShopMozo - Revendedor Construtor de loja afiliada baseado em nuvem DEAD SIMPLE com 1 clique que usa o poder dos vídeos, SEO e mídia social para adicionar automaticamente produtos afiliados dos principais gigantes do comércio eletrônico
  • Pacote de marketing de vídeo CC Pacote de marketing de vídeo de comissões secretas
  • InstaGenius Plugin WordPress que encontra clientes e os acompanha automaticamente, rastrear preços e vendê-los quando os produtos solicitados estiverem à venda - ou itens recomendados ficam disponíveis.

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