Influencing Millenials – Digital advertising methods for magnificence manufacturers « $60 Cud Money Maker

Influencing Millenials – Digital advertising methods for magnificence manufacturers

Opublikowano w marcu 5, 2020 Przez Admin Z Komentarze wyłączone NA Influencing Millenials – Digital advertising methods for magnificence manufacturers

Video taken at in-cosmetics Asia –

Millennials are by far the most unpredictable generation. Marketers need to constantly innovate and experiment to keep up and understand what influences them. Through a series of case studies, this session will show how beauty brands around the world are successfully engaging with millennials amidst the ever changing digital landscape.

in-cosmetics Asia is the leading exhibition and conference in Asia Pacific for personal care ingredients – takes place in Bangkok, Thailand in October/November and is focused on personal care raw materials and manufacturing – more info at

Speaker is Khyathi Nirmal Kumar, Head of Digital Marketing at Happy Marketer, more info at

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