1965-sixty seven Cambridge St/ation « $60 Cud Money Maker

1965-sixty seven Cambridge St/ation

Opublikowano w marcu 26, 2019 By Abraham Woodhouse Z Komentarze wyłączone NA 1965-sixty seven Cambridge St/ation

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2 CD / DVD / Blu-ray
Covering Syd Barrett’s time with the band, from the pre-EMI demos, through the non-album hit singles and related tracks, the first volume also features previously unreleased tracks like Vegetable Man and In The Beechwoods (newly mixed), plus BBC session recordings. Pink Floyd have also acquired the tapes of an unreleased 1967 concert in Stockholm.

The DVD/Blu-ray includes historic TV performances plus some of Pink Floyd’s own film material:
-Early 1965 recordings and early singles
-Vegetable Man, In The Beechwoods, John Latham, Stockholm concert
-Promo clips, TV appearances, rare footage
-Replica memorabilia from the period

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