Instagram Marketing 2019 – Free Course Shows You How To Drive Leads & Sales From Instagram Marketing « $60 Chozizwitsa Money Mlengi

Instagram Marketing 2019 – Free Course Shows You How To Drive Leads & Sales From Instagram Marketing

Posted On Mar 21, 2020 By admin With Comments Off on Instagram Marketing 2019 – Free Course Shows You How To Drive Leads & Sales From Instagram Marketing

Ready to up your Instagram marketing game? Get this free Instagram Marketing and learn How To Drive Leads And Sales From Instagram in 2019, like a PRO!

This video is a deep dive into the platform and social network, Instagram. This is more than just Instagram marketing tips.

We cover exactly what you need to know from the basics all the way to advanced Instagram marketing tactics. This comprehensive Instagram marketing strategy is something anyone can execute on with just minutes a day.

The main goal here was to help focus you on what is working best for Instagram marketing in 2019 but will remain relevant for years to come…

To check in on this instagram marketing strategy in 2019 and to compare it to Facebook marketing, I ran a test recently where Instagram blew Facebook out of the water!

See the results from the social media marketing test in this video:

I’ve created a second video for this Instagram Marketing series to show exactly step-by-step how I do the engagement portion of the video that we simply talked about here.

You can see the Instagram Marketing For 2018 and beyond video here:

First we look at ‘what is Instagram’ and the dive into the demographics and some of the statistics of Instagram, looking at how many users there are, where they are located, their gender, age, etc.

You need to first know if your perfect audience is on Instagram before you commit to marketing on Instagram!

Then we go over the basic and advanced ideas around setting up your Instagram account and your bio, including your username, your call to action and more.

Your bio is your ‘one shot’ to convert an Instagram user from a visitor to a lead, so this part is vitally important and this video is packed with valuable insights and examples to help you nail your Instagram bio.

Then we move on to the posting types… Melanie shares the 9 types of Instagram marketing posts you should be implementing.

We talk about how to create posts, how to enhance what you are already doing visually with a few great app recommendations and of course we explain how you can batch your Instagram marketing so that you can queue up a week’s or month’s worth of marketing in one shot…

We also dive into hashtags and how to find viral content on Instagram that will perform great on your timeline.

Then we get to the final phase which is the most important… This is all about how to boost engagement on Instagram.

Last year, Instagram changed how it operates from displaying posts in a chronological order to using an algorithm to ‘decide’ what posts get showed to who, and when.

This new algorithm is based on engagement and you must build engagement with your audience on your posts in order to maximize the reach.

We teach the exact shortcut we have used to grow Melanie’s Instagram account to over 40,000 followers and that we are now leveraging to grow my account.

There is a powerful app we recommend that can take a lot of the grunt work and time out of this marketing research, but there is also some active effort required to grow your Instagram following.

We cover the exact steps, how often you need to take them and what to do in order to grow your Instagram following fast.

We close with a few “loose ends” that we needed to tie up to round out this Instagram marketing course so you can be sure to have everything you need to effectively grow your Instagram account.

With focused, strategic action sustained over long periods of time you are able to create massive results on Instagram and this video holds all the marketing secrets you need to succeed.

If you prefer to read about the Instagram Marketing strategy, check out my ultimate guide to Instagram Marketing post here:

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