What it takes to experience 280 km a day indoors: Rupert Guinness on his VRAAM « $60 Miracle Money Maker

What it takes to experience 280 km a day indoors: Rupert Guinness on his VRAAM

Posted On Jul 7, 2020 Door beheerder Met Reacties uitgeschakeld op What it takes to experience 280 km a day indoors: Rupert Guinness on his VRAAM


Late this past Sunday night, cycling reporter( and friend of CyclingTips) Rupert Guinness stepped off his bike in a Sydney car showroom and called an end to one incredible ride. He’d really spent the past 12 eras going on a stationary tutor as one of the purposes of the Virtual Race Across America( VRAAM ), the on-line version of the acclaimed ultra-endurance race that, like so many other events, was cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-1 9.

In those 12 eras, the 58 -year-old had travelled 3,358.68 virtual kilometres — an average of 280 km a daylight, on the indoor manager — netting him eighth neighbourhood in the event. A couple of days after finishing the move, Guinness took the time to chat to CyclingTips about the experience and how it facilitated him prepare for a tilt at the “real” RAAM, in 2021.

CyclingTips: Congratulations on an frightening move! How are you pulled up?

Rupert Guinness: Look, I’m feeling pretty good, actually. I’m clearly tired. To be honest, I’m really tired[ Maar] I’m very happy with how things panned out. But I think this one certainly dipped into the threshold bucket, employed it that way. I feel more fatigued today than I did yesterday. There’s a few little niggles here and there, but nothing long-term or irreparable.

How did this whole thing come about? You were supposed to be doing the RAAM, right?

That’s right. I mean, we were preparing for RAAM and even when COVID rose its heading and when RAAM looked like it would attach the roster of sports events being canceled, I still continued preparing for RAAM because I fantasized I’d wait until the final word that it was canceled. I would have hated to have gone over[ to the USA] and then sorrowed not having training of it properly.

So I continued improving. And then when it was canceled it was put to me by my mate Anthony Gordon, after he had privately consulted with a couple of the other support crew — I didn’t know he had –‘ What about doing it virtually ?’ I tittered at the idea and envisioned’ you’re kidding ‘. But over got a couple of climbs I supposed’ well hold on, what if we did ?

I guess Anthony had this see in his sentiment of creating an event; one, to provide me with a trip to do to sign off on all the preparation I’ve done and in preparation for next year’s RAAM, En; two, to try and do something which makes some positivity during somewhat challenging eras for everybody. So I envisaged’ Yeah, why not- let’s do this. What else am I going to do ?

Anthony worked on getting collaborators on board to create their expertise in and to get the event going. And then the RAAM organisation itself yielded its thumbs up to the idea as well. That was kind of important because they didn’t have an event so this at least continued some momentum of interest in RAAM and it also threw their gathering a chance to be involved in something that didn’t exist when they cancelled it.

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For the last 9 hours Australia slept. Not me though. I’ve hold the legs revolving, attacking over 180 km on my opening ranged. @vraammentalmiles HQ at @mercedesbenzgbrothers is the place to be. Come on down to say hello or dot-watch via the ???? connection in my bio ???? ???? by @t_m_peters ???? to the two partners: @sbs_australia @trekbikesau @revolve24aus @mercedesbenzgbrothers @kentwilliams_entoure @zoomsoundlab @suunto @bikeexchangeau @markobaloh @wagnerroofing @terranosystems @albioncycles @rudyprojectaus @crossingthelinesport @sramroad @kodanutrition @prism. motorcycle @letsgomotorhomes #vraam #vraw #the60 #raam #raceacrossamerica #ultracycling #mentalhealth #mentalmiles

A post shared by Rupert Guinness (@ rupert.guinness) on Jun 16, 2020 at 5:00 pm PDT

It looked like you had a pretty great setup there in the car dealership?

Yeah, it’s called G Brothers’ Mercedes in Mona Vale in the north beaches area[ of Sydney ]. So they offered a zone of the showroom for us to use which had a kitchen area and a lavatory expanse and also an outdoor parking area. So that was huge, to have the facility there to do it from.

Mind you, everything “were having” organised was basically pondering of the preparation that we had for RAAM. So it wasn’t just like it happened overnight — the whole operation was nine months of employ and coming all those people and arrangements in place. So it wasn’t just an off-the-cuff’ hey let’s just go and do this and grab parties to come along’- it took a good deal of term putting that crew together, articulated it that way.

And you had a campervan in the car park?

Yeah, the campervan was behind me where you identified me going; it was just behind me. And the relevant recommendations of doing that was we wanted to create a sort of a RAAM setup so it looked like we were at RAAM. So the subscribe vehicle was there and we had another assistance vehicle nearby.

I’d have some of my sleeps in the motor home. And interesting thing like get used to the motor home and how you organise yourself to use the shower inside — they’re all detailed level things but I was much better at being ready and showering and changing at the end than I was at the beginning. It exactly get you more au fait with the environment of what we’ll have in RAAM next year.

A Sydney man is competing in one of cycling’s most grueling contests and all he needed was a Wifi connection. @DaltsWorld #9News pic.twitter.com/ sJpm3ZqHkW

— Nine News Sydney (@ 9NewsSyd) juni 21, 2020

What would an average era look like for you? How many hours were you spending on the motorcycle?

Roughly it was 18 to 20 hours per day. We started off on a 20 -hour program then this kind of went from 20 to 18 hours. I contemplate the key point was to find the ideal sleeping pattern, and the same with nutrition and hydration; to find the liberty patterns that worked best for me.

So from the sleeping patterns, I picture I tried a couple of four-hour blocks which were a little bit long for me early because I’d encounter I’d be restless and only waste time. The best one for several days was anything from midnight to one o’clock in the morning, I’d start a three-hour block in which I’d probably sleep two and half hours. That would also include my shower.

I’d try and eat before I get off the motorcycle — so I would have started grasping my nutrient — and then get off the bike, go into the motorhome, strip off, have a shower and set my fresh bake pack on that I would razz for the next shifting and then go to bed in my pack, and get up after two and a half hours or so and then exactly try and ride till sunup. I’d be picking apart at nutrient and sips that the endorsement crew would bring me and then generally around 10:30 -ish I’d have my first stop for massage.

So I had that three-hour block in the night to sleep. I also permitted myself anything from two to three hours during the day. I may stop for half an hour on the rub counter, and sleep at the same time. I may have a 10 -minute power nap on a mattress, which was near where my bicycle was. On some epoches, I earmarked myself to have a one-hour sleep in the afternoon at three or four o’clock before the evening shift started.

And this helped break the day down too, rather than thinking of the whole long longevity of it all. So it did vary along the way, depending how I felt as well.

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I’m 1,134 kms into @vraammentalmiles. We’ve had certain technical predicaments overnight and every day presents a new challenge. Today I’ll need to complete more than an Everest. VRAAM certainly presents some jolts in the road ….! Check the leaderboard and dot-watch via the ???? join in my bio ???? ???? by @t_m_peters ???? to our partners: @sbs_australia @trekbikesau @revolve24aus @mercedesbenzgbrothers @kentwilliams_entoure @zoomsoundlab @suunto @bikeexchangeau @markobaloh @wagnerroofing @terranosystems @albioncycles @rudyprojectaus @crossingthelinesport @sramroad @kodanutrition @prism. bike @letsgomotorhomes #vraam #vraw #the60 #raam #raceacrossamerica #ultracycling #mentalhealth #mentalmiles

A post shared by Rupert Guinness (@ rupert.guinness) on Jun 19, 2020 at 5:21 pm PDT

The ride took place on the FulGaz programme. How did that work? Were there specific moves you had to do? Or could you really elect whatever razzes you wanted to make up the interval?

The goes would come up[ on the app] from one to 214, and they’re in a established sequence that you have to follow. So that method you’ve got the appearance of a trend that’s narrating before you.

Each time you are able to terminated a travel you’d have to upload the travel as you do with Strava and it would go onto FulGaz where all the data, including the kilometres, would be put onto your appoint and then your accrued kilometres would just add up. And then you’d go back to the menu and the next ride would always have a dark-green marker around it. So you knew where you had to go back to. So you’d simply press’ start’ and do it again.

I remember at the beginning thinking’ Gee, at one point this will be the last one I have to press start on. I’m looking forward to that time .’ And you time chip away at it and before you know it you’re into the 20 s, 50 s and 100 s and then getting to the high-pitched thousands of[ by then] you’re getting to the end.

You intent up reporting around 3,300 km. How did that compare to what you were expecting?

Obviously when I started I thought it’d be great to do 4,500 km[ ed. the duration of RAAM] and then in the end I did 3,358.68 km. I belief after the first 5 or six daytimes I started to think’ This is a lot harder than what I pictured .’ Then we heard, general consensus, that the course was harder than what they had estimated. And you could see that’ Hold on, there’s a possibility that no one’s going to finish the 4,500.’

At the start they said everybody who finishes 4,500 km will automatically qualify for the RAAM. It was forecasted the course was 30% harder than real RAAM because there was 20,000 metres more descending in VRAAM than there was in RAAM. And there was very little descending because a great deal of those individual rides were like straight up a mountain and then you finish the move at the top and you go to the next one and it’s another elevation. So it was like a number of mountain time tribulations.

So around about that time when they started saying they were going to review the qualifying mark, patently by then you realised that Oh, it’s not just me thoughts’ shit, this is harder than I belief. It’s generally accepted .’ So then I sort of figured I didn’t know how many[ FulGaz segments I would complete] because this is the first time a virtual Scoot Across America has been held.

The unknown was a stimulus for me. You could belief the unknown could be a scary thing but I was obstructing a very open mind. When they specify this new[ qualifying] brand, my focus was on getting past that rating first — 3,428 km. Anything on top of that was a bonus.[ ed. Only one equestrian ended the full length: Japanese equestrian Hirokazu Suzuki, who rode( practically) all 4,539.80 km from the west coast of the USA to the east .]

It seemed like you had a nice little battle at times with broadcaster and former Giro d’Italia stage winner Dave McKenzie at certain tops along the way?

Yeah, that was interesting. We were real close to each other and chopping and changing the leading. I think that sort of helped me get the best out of myself. It was nice to have that and I mull Macca did a very good job. I hope he’s happy with what he did[ ed. McKenzie encompassed 3,005 km ]. It was great to have somebody like him in there. It prevented me honest. There is an issue there, I felt,’ oh god, this[ engagement] could go all the way to the finish like this .’ I wasn’t would like to have that.

“It’s a rollercoaster, this thing, #VRAAM.

Hang in there @davemacka, we got you and @rupertguinness ????

You can donate to @GOFoundationAU, @Starlight_star via https :// t.co/ PQAqTm2 9bK pic.twitter.com/ krnfrhT8 7O

— CyclingCentral (@ CyclingCentral) juni 21, 2020

That said, I felt like I was coming stronger towards the end of the event, which kind of surprised me,[ Maar] which is probably pondering of the programme I was given by my manager, which was aimed at being stronger at the end of RAAM.

I think the whole thing reaffirmed to me how important the planning is for RAAM. My program started mostly in September last year and I was pretty strict in keeping to it. And it merely increased. It was a challenging program, but it was achievable. It wasn’t something that the average person like myself can’t do, but you have to commit to it.

During VRAAM I didn’t have any alcohol. That was the longest stretch without liquor for as long as I can remember. That was my number one achievement I guess. Twelve periods without booze. But I still enjoyed wine-colored preparing for it, and training courses.

You cleared it past the revised RAAM qualification mark on the last day, right?

Yeah, I vanished past it on Sunday I think about lunchtime. I went kind of elicited and there was a block where I was doing, 385 to 425 watts or something and then I went past that label and I recalled’ Hold on, there’s another 10 hours to go. I better ease up here.’

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BREAKING: @rupert. guinness has just smacked 3,248 kms, the length required to be considered an official VRAAM Finisher! He’s still in the scoot until 11 pm tonight, clocking up yet more kilometres. Well Done Rupert! Keep an gaze on the leaderboard by ???? sounding the link in our bio ???? ???? by @nothinbutshorts ???? to our partners: @sbs_australia @trekbikesau @revolve24aus @mercedesbenzgbrothers @kentwilliams_entoure @zoomsoundlab @suunto @bikeexchangeau #vraam #vraw #the60 #raam #raceacrossamerica #ultracycling #mentalhealth #mentalmiles

A post shared by VRAAM Mental Miles (@ vraammentalmiles) on Jun 27, 2020 at 9:13 pm PDT

How did this experience compare to your moves in the Indian Pacific Wheel Race and the Revolve 24 -hour races?

Ah, it certainly is up on another level. But that’s maybe pondering of my deficiency of event with Indy Pac when I firstly did it. But I remember the experience of Indy Pac one and two and my Revolves — I think they all helped in knowing my thresholds and ability to manage myself through highs and lows and the sleep controversies. They’re all a part of the building blocks of what my achievement was this time. So it was all a learning experience and this will help me for RAAM next year exceedingly because you’re always learning brand-new things about yourself.

When I did my first Indy Pac, when I look back on that, I realise how little I was prepared for it, even if they are I thoughts I was well-prepared. But that’s part of the adventure of everything is. That’s what I love about ultra-endurance riding. You’re never 100% sure of anything, you know?

My biggest problem[ during the course of its VRAAM] was when my Tacx smart trainer blew up on the first Saturday at about three in the morning. And that kind of pissed me off because then I didn’t have a smart-alecky instructor for a little. We had some backups and then my buoy gang, the ones who were on stand-by, they said’ ok, we’ve got to stop for minute. Use this stop to catch up on some sleep and we’ll fix it. We’ll aftermath you up .’ So that’s where you had to have faith in your crew so I didn’t have to stress about a mechanical.

Book review:’ Overlander’ by Rupert Guinness

But again, I think this was up another level for me. Because certainly the people who go for the win at Indy Pac they’re going at it at a height that I wasn’t at at Indy Pac. For me personally, this was up another level because I was going in to race VRAAM not to journey VRAAM. I was travelling Indy Pac to finish. And if I was going to do RAAM, I was going there to race.

It’s the mentality. This was my firstly experience genuinely to go and race an ultra-endurance occasion 12 daytimes. And I know when I go to RAAM, I’m going to have to go there to hasten it. So this is a prime possibility. The reality that we had a cut-off mark to make[ 12 daylights] heightened that. Also, it was a good example of in RAAM, where you have cut-off celebrates which you have to reach to avoid elimination, it was a good test to simulate if my crew said’ Rupe, you’ve got so many hours to make the cut off, we’re gonna have to really dig depth here .’ That mentality cured me prepare for that.

Physically, it sounds like you got through it fine?

Yeah, I finished strong. I had a couple little niggles. I begins with a corn on my right little toe, which will continue genuinely sore — I had to cut a defect in my cycling shoes so there wouldn’t be adversity on it. I’ve got the usual hot-feet syndrome. My left knee got a little bit sore toward the end so I had to tape it up for the last few hours. But that was just precautionary — it’s fine now. The muscles get genuinely sore because you’re on that stationary bike. They’re still sore if I touch them now, the muscles above the knee cover.

The worst thing I’ve got is the pinky and the next finger[ on my left end] are basically daze which I think is metacarpal syndrome, from being on the handlebars. I can’t straighten my pinky — if I employed a glove on, I have to direct the pinky through the gauntlet. And that’s quite sore. At darknes duration when I’m in berthed it gets really pretty painful. So that’s probably the main thing.

And I’ve got to see a dentist because just before VRAAM a load in part of a tooth came out and with all the chewing of food[ during VRAAM] it’s probably not the best thing to be eating with a puncture in your teeth.

With the pas thing I’m probably going to see a doctor tomorrow — it may require a bit of a surgical process to exhaust the nerves.

Anything else you’d like to share about the razz?

The other thing is we were doing it for mental health awareness — that was the superseding justification. Not for one charity, but general awareness. The organisers wanted to create a positive strategy during these periods and mental health awareness was the send we were trying to put out there.

The VRAAM likewise really drove residence to me the importance of a really good support crew. Like I said, our supporting crew we’d selected and worked with for a long time but this was very much a dry run for them. The reality that they got me through to a top where my weight loss was pretty low-spirited and when I said I felt stronger at the end than I did at the beginning, that’s really contemplative of how they were able to not just feed me and kept me to sleep, they could read more body.

They knew when I was fatigued before I knew it. Or they would just be able to act when they needed to act, before I even knew they needed to act. And you really have to have a support crew that works, like a Formula 1 crew crew. There’s no way you have been able get the best out of yourself without that sort of cohesion. It may be an individual event, but emphatically you need that crew there. I wouldn’t have done it without them.

Rupert’s stats

Total distance handled: 3,358.68 km Average interval per epoch: 279.9 km FulGaz journeys ended: 173 Total sleep: 60 hours Average sleep per date: 5 hours Total calories burned: 84,271 Heavines lost: 2.9 kg

Rupert’s patronage crew

Crew chief: Anthony Gordon Logistics chief: Kent Williams Medical manager: Troy Peters Chief physiotherapist: Orla Cunningham Head concert manager: Tony Kiss Social media director: Sally Heginbotham Media prime: Peter Cunningham Nutritional advisor: Brett Davidson Chef/kit chief: Libby Bennett( Rupert’s spouse) IT/comms foreman: David Fell

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